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Soft skills in the workplace: Why communication skills are essential for employment

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Medical Malpractice Create a PowerPoint presentation detailing the standard operating procedure in dealing with "near misses" in your facility. Be sure to address the following issues: Examine any applicable rules and regulations pertaining to malpractice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Detail a specific procedure in dealing with the reporting of medical errors in a healthcare facility.

Questions We would like Phase 1 to consist of the following: - Please describe our target customer – ▪ Who is this person ▪ What is their household income level ▪ Where do they shop ▪ How much do they spend in general on such products ▪ Why will they be drawn to our products ▪ What is their age and gender. - Independent research with supporting evidence that clearly estimates how large is our market. ▪ How many target customers are there in our market of Dubai and how much do you believe based on research will they be willing to spend on such products. ● This is not what you plan on attaining in the year one or beyond but truly the whole market in its entirety. ● Obviously we know we will only be getting a small percentage of it but we want to know how large is this market - What price range do you believe our products will be in? ▪ Please provide supporting evidence of why you have arrived at this range. ▪ This can be an initial estimate that you will refine as the process goes on but we would like an initial range. - Product research, samples, looks, prices, and minimum quantity for each product, ▪ Including brand reference as well as brand message for the collection. ▪ Furthermore, a list of complimentary products - We understand that in later phases you will be providing a detailed store list, but even if you can give us a broad and long list it would be helpful for us to get an idea. ▪ If you can include who your contact there is. ▪ For these stores do they have success metrics as in a certain number of units must be sold over a specific time period otherwise they will no longer display our products? - Can you please include a rough, initial estimate on how many units will be sold in Year 1, 2 and 3? ▪ We really need to understand the inventory build-up as this will require funds and we want to make sure we are allocating appropriately. - How many professionals do you believe we will need to hire in order for this venture to grow in Year 1, 2, 3. ▪ Please list them out year by year. ▪ These professionals are above and beyond what you and your team would be providing ▪ In Phase 3, you mention final marketing budget that we assume will be all cost in addition to your fees and the people we have hired upon your recommendation and actual product manufacturing costs. We will need a rough estimate of this amount in Phase 1, again so we can make sure to have sufficient capital on hand. ● We would request the information in a report form so that we can review and discuss it.


TOPIC - LEADERSHIP PowerPoint Presentation slides of 6 based on the topic "LEADERSHIP" based on ENRON movie. Introduction, Contents of 4 headings related to leadership, Conclusion - total 6 slides. Students note I WANT THE SLIDES AND BACKGROUND COLOR TO BE LIGHT - AS IT HAS TO BE A PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATION As mentioned i Need introduction/ 4 sub topics related to leadership and conclusion Need points in bullets. each point has to be in motion after I click all the points should come (put animations and transition as well)

What is copyright? What sort of things are and are not subject to copyright? How long does copyright last for individuals and for corporations? When and how did copyright law change? What is currently required to obtain copyright? Under what conditions it is considered fair use to include copyrighted material without asking the permission of the owner? For each fair use condition, please be sure to explain: What is considered infringing? What is considered fair use?

1 Please choose one of the following statements: Most leaders don't know the game they are in What the All Blacks Can Teach Us About the Business of Life Discipline is freedom' "Once you think that you're playing the lottery, you've already psychologically prepared yourself to lose."

why is saving money and how can we do it? Presentation 1: Intro 5 (slides) Why is saving money important? whats the 5 benefits of saving money? Introduction Background: Explain your motivations for selecting your topic and your history with the issue if possible. Objectives: What do you aspire to accomplish with the project in this class?

Collect historical background information about Nickolas Gage and present it in class. Your presentation should be typed and sent to Google Classroom in a word document.

Topic:- The Impact of Specific Parental Involvement Strategies on Academic Achievement in Elementary School Students Create a PowerPoint Presentation for your selected topic from assignment #1. This would be a PowerPoint that you would use if you were selected to present your research at a professional conference. Please use the following guidelines to complete your PowerPoint: 1) You are to use a plain white slide design. 2) The first slide will include: Name of the topic (In 36 Times New Roman Font: Presented by: Your Name (In 28 Times New Roman Font); and a Graphic that depicts the topic. The color of the font used must be dark, so it will show-up easily. 3) All slide headings should be typed in Times New Roman Font that is no smaller than 36 with all other information in 28 Times New Roman Font. If there is not enough room on the slide for all the information, then the next slide may be labeled: Continued (Placed in the top left-hand side of the slide). Typing should not go to the end of the left, right, top, or bottom of the slide. In other words, make sure there is a margin on all four sides of each slide 3) There must be graphics within the ppt. presentation that are appropriate depiction of the words on that slide. Graphics do not have to be on every slide, just the ones where it appears to need something more to complete the space. 4) There needs to be links to websites that pertain to your slide/topic. 5) There needs to be a YouTube presentation within the Ppt. that relates to your topic that is different from your multi-media presentation (you do not have to be visible in this one. Select a You-Tube video that addresses your topic and embed it into your Ppt. This Ppt. should look professional, as if it was created by a professional.

To prepare: 1. Consider the material you have covered in the Foundations of Communication unit 2. Conduct independent research on the given topic, using credible sources, ensuring that you record and cite all resources used 3. Clearly state the main focus points for your final presentation 4. Present relevant information on the topic 5. Be mindful of your audience and use appropriate language and examples they can relate to 6. Aim to make the presentation and your PowerPoint as interesting as possible for the audience (see Assessment Scenario and Audience) 7. Select appropriate images to support your message 8. Ensure that there is an introduction, outline, summary then conclusion 9. Images and text should have in-text citations and there should be a reference list on the last slide 10. Record the audio with each slide (as if presenting to a class) - talk to the slides. 11. If presenting in class, you can use palm cards, but must not read your presentation from notes Resource requirements ▪ You must use PowerPoint and include 10 content slides, plus 1 slide as a cover page, and 1 or 2 slides for your Reference List (total of 12 or 13 slides). ▪ Make sure that your name and ID number are clearly displayed on the first slide (introduce yourself to the audience with this slide). Your PowerPoint presentation should not include any videos or animations but must include images that are properly acknowledged. ▪ Record your oral presentation using Voice Thread. Instructions on how to use this free software are available on Blackboard and using VoiceThread is covered in detail in Topic 10 materials. ▪ Make sure you select the correct settings (Share the link and also tick the box to allow anyone to view) so your tutor can view and mark your presentation. (It is advisable to complete a practice presentation using Voice Thread prior to completing the final presentation.)