Production Design And Process Planning

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0.T/F The complexity of the objective function has a direct impact on the performance of a genetic algorithm.

Which of the following statements is NOT true? A feasible solution satisfies all constraints An optimal solution satisfies all constraints An infeasible solution violates all constraints A feasible solution does not have to lie on the boundary of the feasible region

3. Suppose you have two decision variables, X1 and X2, representing whether Departments 1 and 2 are expanded. The variables are 1 if the department is-expanded and 0 if not. What constraint is needed to ensure that if one department is expanded, then both are expanded?

į Flood's Method is used to solve 1. The assignment problem 2. The minimal spanning tree problem

The optimal decision variable values in the dual model represent what aspect of the primal model?

In this exercise, you will identify the appropriate anthropometric measurement to assess the design parameters of a student chair for a classroom of mixed students (50% males and 50%females). See Figure 1 below to check design parameters. a) (9 points) Based on the anthropometric dimensions presented in the lecture slides, which anthropometric measurement is required for each design parameter mentioned in Figure 1(SD, SH, SW, BH, BW, and DH)? Explain your answers. b) (12 points) For each anthropometric measurement identified in (a), which percentile(s) is(are) required for the adjustable seat design? Justify and explain in detail your answers. c) (9 points) Examine in detail the pros and cons of designing products for a fixed percentage of a population. When is this approach likely to be problematic? Citeappropriate references.

8. Based on what you did so far, what is the best layout type you should use for your facility to produce respirators? Explain your reasoning in 200 words. (15 Points)

We learned about Anthropometric data, Design for Average, Design for Extreme, and Designfor Adjustment. Please listen to the story in the video link below and answer the followingquestions. a) (15 points) Explain why the "design for average" approach in the airplane cockpit causedairplane accidents and incidents? ) (15 points) Explain how the U.S. Airforce fit the cockpit design to the individual pilot?Use the keywords "Design for Adjustment" and "Design for Extremes." c) (10 points) Find another two examples of "design for average" problems in your life.Explain their problems. Do not include the examples used in the video link.

a) Manufacturing operations and their process types can be located along avolume/variety continuum. Provide a suitable 'process type' which would fitin the following positions and give an example where it might be used? i)High volume low variety ii)Low volume high variety b) What are kanban systems? why are they used? and how are they controlled? c) Calculate the capacity of the Kanbans and the inventory level given the following information: Utilisation rate R =900/hr//////Delay time T= 40mins////Number of Kanbans = 4//////Operation Variation X = 10% d) The following options have been proposed to reduce the inventory level for the situation outlined in (Q4b). Option A: Capacity C is increased to 400 units3 Option B: X becomes 20% or Option C: The delay time Tis halved orWhich option would you choose and why?

You employed Process by expert'Whatypeofimprovement' limited. The Managing Director is looking to improve the performance of operations and has asked you to answer the following area questions. a) What are the two main approaches to Operations Improvement (provide diagrams as necessary) b) What is BPR and what are the key principles? c) What are the key benefits of BPR ? d) How does BPR suggest operations structures should be organised?

9. Which layout do you need for your hospital? Explain in 100 word. (

. Linear models are distinguished from other mathematical programming models by three properties: Proportionality,____-and divisibility.

In order for the GRG non-linear engine to be guaranteed to find a global optimal solution to a maximization problem, two conditions must be met.The first is that the objective function, or its logarithm, must be concave.What is the second?

Non-preemptive goal programming involves minimizing what?

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