Production Design And Process Planning

Questions & Answers

7. Do the same area estimation for coffee break areas, playing areas, and lunchrooms by considering the number of workers you have. Consider all equipment, kitchenware and sitting areas to incorporate into your calculation. (20 Points)

You decided to open your facility to produce respirators and now you are ready to bring in all equipment, labor force, machines, raw materials and so on to your factory. However, you ha veto determine the space requirements and all allowances for these production factors in order to design your layout efficiently. In deliverable 2, you had developed an operations chart by defining the operations with their associated times. As of today, the management revised all operations charts and defined your operations chart in the system, meaning there are processes,machines that are required for each process, prerequisites for each machine and number ofpeople required. Now, it is time to use all the information you developed in order to solve the problems in the project in Deliverable 3. 1. Write your processes, their task times and their predecessors using prior information from Project Deliverable 2. (5 Points)

a) 'Within JIT operations the main sacrifice is capacity utilization' - explain this statement and its consequences. Use diagrams to supplement your answer. b) What is 'levelled scheduling' and why is it difficult to introduce?. c) Outline and discuss any five of the seven wastes which the Lean approach demands to be removed, or minimized from manufacturing operations

a) When designing a product layout, what two criteria must be followed(during the line balancing phase) to ensure a valid product flow line design is produced and why? b) A manufacturer wishes to produce 1100 units per day on a production line and intends to use a product layout. The assembly information for the product is outlined in Table Q1 below. (i)Assuming a 24 hour day, calculate the maximum cycle time required to produce the desired output.(2 marks) (ii)Calculate the minimum number of work stations.(2 marks) (iii)Produce the precedence diagram.(5 marks) (iv)Produce a line design which achieves the required cycle time. (v)Calculate the balance loss (vi)What approaches can be used in practice, to reduce the individual cycle time of tasks, so that the overall efficiency of the process can be improved?

0.T/F The complexity of the objective function has a direct impact on the performance of a genetic algorithm.

You employed Process by expert'Whatypeofimprovement' limited. The Managing Director is looking to improve the performance of operations and has asked you to answer the following area questions. a) What are the two main approaches to Operations Improvement (provide diagrams as necessary) b) What is BPR and what are the key principles? c) What are the key benefits of BPR ? d) How does BPR suggest operations structures should be organised?

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