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1. Figure below illustrates the energy band diagrams of an electrical conductor, semiconductor, and insulator, respectively. The Fermi energy of the conductor is in the conduction band, while the Fermi energy of the semiconductor or the insulator lies in the middle of the energy gap between the valence and conduction band. Using the Fermi-Dirac statistics, find at 298 K (a) the probability of electron occupancy in the metal at its Fermi energy level; and (b) the probability of electron occupancy in the semiconductor and in the insulator at their respective conduction band edges. You must show your work for credit. E Conduction Band Conduction Band Em Conduction Band EL E₁ = 6.0 eV Ed Efi E Eg = 1.4 eV Efs Ex Ev Ev Valence Band Valence Band Valence Band Metal Semiconductor Insulator

Fig: 1