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11. (12 pts) You are working as a data analyst at Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC),

helping track and visualize immigration patterns. Your manager has asked you to create some

plots to include in an annual report on immigration trends. Specifically, she wants you to

visualize data from a UN dataset on immigrant inflows and outflows for 195 countries from

1980-2013. She asks you to create the following:

a) Show a horizontal bar chart showing the total immigrants arriving in Canada from the top

15 sending countries over the full timeframe. What is the advantage of such a chart in this

specific task? (3 pts)

b) Show a pie chart displaying the percentage of immigrants by originating continent. Make

sure to start the first slice at 90 degrees counterclockwise and include effects like shadow

and exploded slices (lowest 3 continents) for visual appeal. What is the advantage of such

a chart in this specific task? (3 pts)

c) Show a scatter plot visualizing total immigration into Canada by year from 1980-2013.

What is the advantage of such a chart in this specific task?

Add a linear regression line to model the trend, which shows a general

upward slope. (3 pts)


Using this line, make an estimate of total immigration in 2015 and compare it

to actual CIC data to test the accuracy. (3 pts)

For each plot, make sure to include clean, labeled axes and titles. Use the provided UN

dataset (CA.xlsx, see supplementary material) on immigrant inflows/outflows.

Furthermore, annotate the key insights from each visualization and describe how they could

be expanded or improved.

Fig: 1