
12:25 PM Fri Jun 30 SIE340 SUM23 Lecture14 Bieten item 1 2 3 4 5 volume, cubic feet 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.3 A hiker's knapsack will hold no more than

0.8 cubic feet of canned goods. Some food items that are being considered for inclusion in the knapsack are shown in the table. The hiker wants to maximize the protein content of the items that are selected for inclusion in the knapsack. Quiz grams of protein 12 40 15 20 10 [... O (i) If the hiker choose item 1, he must choose item 2. (ii) If the hiker choose item 3, he cannot choose item 4. (a) Write the decision variables and give the meaning of each decision variable. (b) Write the whole LP model. (objective function, constraints, sign restrictions) (c) Add a constraint to satisfy each of the following cases: 76% Done 25/25

Fig: 1