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14. The three different prestressing steel bars (A, B, and C) in Question 1 were analyzedseparately in a high temperature creep test. Each bar, of the same diameter, was heated to427C, and then placed under a sustained tensile stress of 700 MPa. The time to failure aswell as the strain that occurred were both measured for each bar in each test. The resultsfor each bar (A, B and C) are plotted below in Figure 1. Remarkably, one bar lasted over 5hours in this creep test, whereas the other two failed before 2 hours in this creep test. In aseparate test were duplicates of each of the bars were heated to 427C, and then loaded tofailure, it was observed that the bar that failed after 5 hours also had the highest hightemperature strength. With reference to Table 1 above and Figure 1 below, identify whichbar failed after 5 hours (A, B, or C) and state your reasoning.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3