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2. (a) construct the FP-tree for the set of records below, using minimum support threshold 1. This tree is

denoted as T. (Items are already in order by decreasing support.) (12 pts)

(b) Construct the conditional FP-tree for item f, which will be denoted as T. (12 pts)

(c) Execute the procedure FP-growth(T, a), where a={f}. Show the step by step details and the

generated patterns together with their support counts. (p. 260) (12 pts)

(d) Construct the conditional FP-tree for item d, which will be denoted as T. (10 pts)

(e) Execute FP-growth (Ta, (d)). Show the step by step details and the generated patterns together with

their support counts. (18 pts)

The set of items is I = (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

The set of records is below.

a, b, c, d, e

a, c, e, f

b, d, g

a, b, c, e

a, c, e

b, d


a, c, d

Fig: 1