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2 Shape Classes (57 points)

You should design classes for three different shapes (triangle, square, and circle) with the specifi-

cations listed below. These classes are to be used by the main program (the class with the "main"

method), and passed to the Canvas class for drawing. Thus, they must use standard class names

and method names in order to work correctly. We will leave class attributes up to you, looking at

the values that can be set is a good place to start.

The TAs will be using automated tests to grade your submissions so make sure to use

the given method signatures i.e. the function names, order of the input parameters

and the output type should match the ones given.

Note: In java, both integer and floating point division are performed using the / operator.

Integer division floors the result of the division-for example, 1/2 will produce 0, rather than

the (expected) 0.5. Make sure that if you use any division in your methods for the shape

classes, at least one of the operands is of type double. For example, 1.0/2, 1/2.0, and

1.0/2.0 will all produce 0.5.

Note: In order to use Color in this project, you will need to import java.awt.Color at the

top of each shape class.

2.1 Circle Class Methods

• Constructor

Input: x position (double), y position (double), radius (double)


Input: none

Output: perimeter of the circle (type double)


Input: none

Output: area of the circle (type double)

• set Color

Input: color of the shape (type Color)

Output: none (void)

set Pos

Input: x, y position of the center (both doubles)

Fig: 1