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3. (30 points) The following equations show an example of building Jacobian matrix (Newton Raphson method) for power flow calculation. DAP DAP ANO ANO 20 Four submatrices of the Jacobian 0-APP-V,V,V, 0-0₂-0₂) 0-AQ, -Q.-VĖV,V, sin(8-88-9₂) J- BAP, AP, CAP 20, 20, CAP ZAP 20, 20 BAQ, BAQ, BAQ 20 20, V₁=1 6₁0 Diagonal Off-Diagonal ****** z=j0.25 (y=-j4) PAR Please write a MATLAB code to build Jacobian matrix for the lecture example. The expected results (Jacobian matrix) should match those in the lecture notes. Example) BAR av Z=10.2 (y=-j5) Q - Vi Σ VjYg sân (6 - 8;-)+sinu -V₁VjY₁jin (8-dj-dy) And z= 10.5 (y=-j2) 0.5+10.2 VjFij cos (-8-y)- Dag --Visin(8-0)-dyl --V, Σ VjY₁j (8₂ – 0₂ - ©y) + V²Y₂x -B₂-chul Ma Σ; Τι κάτι (0-1, - dog) + Nile και ένα [-13.2859 9.9010 0.9901 9.9010 -20.000 -1.9604 -0.9901 2.0000 -19.4040 Paz 1.0,V₂1.05 0.4+/0.2 -j9j5 j4 Yous 15-17 12 j2 -16] Boc=ImaglY2=₂3 Figure 2. DC PF model for problems 4-5.

Fig: 1