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4. Download the Matlab code posted to the Canvas (in supplementary materials) for integrating the problem of a compressible laminar boundary layer over a flat plate with zero streamwise gradients in the overriding freestream and with the viscosity following a temperature power law with exponent n = 0.7. The gas is calorically perfect and assume that the edge conditions involve a Mach number Me = 5. Use and modify this code accordingly to answer the following questions: a) Determine the ratio of the adiabatic wall temperature Ta,w to the edge temperature Te, along with the recovery factor r. State whether the approximation r = √Pr is a good one for these conditions. (10 points) b) For an isothermal wall at Tw/Te = 3, plot the dimensionless profiles of the static temperature T/T, stagnation temperature To/Te, density p/p and streamwise velocity u/ve, all as a function of the normalized wall-normal coordinate y √Reex/x, where x is the streamwise coordinate and Ree,x is the edge Reynolds number based on x. (30 points) c) For the conditions described in (b), calculate the products Cr√ Reex and CH√ Reex, along with the Reynolds analogy factor 2CH/C, where Cy is the skin friction coefficient and Cy is the Stanton number. Compare the Reynolds analogy factor with Pr-2/3. (10 points) Attach a screenshot of your modified version of the "main.m" script with your solutions.

Fig: 1