
5. Format of the report The report has a strict 4-page limit. Anything above four pages will be penalised according to the marking guidance. The report should contain a front sheet

(which will not count towards the page limit), containing the following information only: Name Student ID Module Code Module Title • Coursework Name The report should be written as a formal lab report with appropriate headings. Do not include a table of contents or appendix. Do not repeat large sections from this handout in relation to the background or the procedures. As a rough guide, approximately three pages should cover the raw and processed data, with one page to cover a discussion of the flow physics. Note that the raw data should be presented to you in the units it was. Appropriate references are essential to show that you have engaged with and understood the data and the theory. The required format is single-spaced Times New Roman font, size 12 pt. The page margins should be set to normal, i.e. 2.54 cm at Top/Bottom/Left/Right.

Fig: 1