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6. Sludge Drying and Disposal Costs. (+2 total) A wastewater treatment plant's anaerobic digestor produces 12 m³/day of sludge with a solids concentration of 7.5%. They are currently sending the sludge directly to a landfill, but due to the high cost of sludge disposal, they want to install sand drying beds to increase the solids concentration to 35%. The tipping fee for sludge disposal at the local landfill is$0.07/kg. The density of the sludge is 1,400 kg/m³. Calculate the current annual cost of sludge disposal. b. Calculate the volume of sludge produced per day once the drying beds are installed. Calculate the annual cost of sludge disposal once the drying beds are installed.Cost-$91 929/vr Cost = $429,240/yr

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