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9. This question is about the paper "The long-run impact of bombing Vietnam" byEdward Miguel and Gerard Roland. You can find a copy of the paper on MyLS underContent -> Final exam. [4 marks] a) What evidence and or discussion do the authors provide about the relevance of their instrumental variable? [1 mark] b) What evidence and or discussion do the authors provide about the exogeneity of their instrumental variable? [1 mark] c) Compare columns (2) and (6) in Table 4. How does the coefficient on the variable of interest change across the two specifications? Is this what you would expect if the instrument was valid? [2 marks] d) Replicate the regression in column (6) of Table 4. Note that I could not perfectly replicate their reported standard error. I don't know why, but what I generated was extremely close with the same coefficients. Use the dataset "war_data_district.dta"available on MyLS under Content -> Final Exam. [1 mark]

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5