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A. A cook decided to add salt to a pot of soup that was boiling on the stove. As soon as thesalt was added, the soup stopped boiling. Explain why this happened. (8 points) B. A pilot and a flight attendant get married and leave for their honeymoon on an airplane.Well-meaning friends pack the plane with balloons. As the plane gains altitude, the balloons begin to pop. (12 points) i. Using the ideal gas law, explain why the balloons popped. (6 points) ii. One balloon was only partly filled when put on the plane. During the flight, the balloon-volume increased from 7 L at 1.0 atm to 9 L. What was the cabin pressure on the airplane during the flight? (Assume the balloon stretched very easily and the temperature was-constant.) (6 points)

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4