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- A rail overhead mast for an as-constructed survey requires the surveyor to submit a chainage/meterage and radial offset (meant to be 26580 and 3.0m) from the design centreline (around

the curve), to record its position. From the starting point tangent (TS)of 26480m the following angle and distance were observed from the straight, 5°16'30", 99.83m. The horizontal circular curve has a radius of 800m and curves to the right. (i) Calculate the chainage/meter age based upon an arc length and radial offset from the centre- line for the overhead mast. (This is a typical as-constructed problem solving question, there are no examples in the study book, it could be done by calculation or by CAD, if done by CAD it must be supported by a plan view). (ii) If the compliance is+/- 30mm from 3m for offset and +/- 50mm for chainage/meter age from 26580m. Calculate and state whether the mast meets compliance for offset and chain age/meter age? Fully document your answer. b. A resection for road construction set-out has been undertaken from an arbitrary position and on an arbitrary datum. The following observations were made to 2 known control points (fully document your answers): Control point 2 (300.01 E, 600.01N); FL 0° 0' 0", FR 180° 00' 10"101.086m Control point 1 (280 E, 400 N); FL 183° 00' 45", FR 3° 00' 45"99.983m Reduce the readings and calculate the radiation required from the point (on the control line datum) to set-out the road centre-line at 10140m (250.00 E, 460.00 N). (Failure to correctly reduce the angular readings will result in significant reduction of marks) If the instrument control point has an elevation of RL100.200m, height of instrument is 1.61m, height of target is1.525m and the following vertical observations (zenith angle,slope distance) were made remotely to point 440m: Observations to 440: ZA 89° 20' 40", Slope distance 58.00m Calculate the required constructed pavement layer thickness(loose) if point 440m has a design grade level of 101.100mand there is a bulking factor of 25%. . A client has approached you about building a rectangular ring-tank 3dam to hold a volume of water greater than 4000 m³. The client believes that at depth of 4.0m for a dam base of 35 x 19 metres with1.5:1 (horizontal to vertical) batters the storage capacity should be within the desired range. Calculate the storage capacity for the dam? Note: There are a number of different methods and formulae available to compute the task. If you choose to computer model the dam, you must submit a software generated volume calculation report and also a check manual calculation(15 marks)

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