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A surface elevation function y(x) satisfies an ordinary differential equation: 0.25 x \frac{d y}{d x}+0.5 y=\frac{\cos \left(\frac{\pi}{2} x\right)}{x} All angles are in radians. a) Using integrating factor method, find the general solution of Equation (1).Please present an explicit formula for y(x). b) If at position x = 1 the elevation is equal to y = 0, find the particular solution of the Equation (1). c) Using your solution to part (b), calculate surface elevation at point x = 1.1.Round your answer to 3 sf d) Using x = 1 and y = 0 as the starting point, write down Euler's method formula for equation (1) with the step size h = deltax = 0.1. e) Using your solution for part (d), calculate the value of the elevation y at point x = 1.1. Round your answer to 3 s.f. f) Compare the analytical and numerical solutions at point x = 1.1 obtained in parts (c) and (e), and comment on the accuracy of both methods. How could the accuracy be improved?

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