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A wave travels along a stretched string and is reflected from a fixed end. The incident wave and the reflected wave interact to produce a stationary wave on the string. Figure 2 shows part of the string, with the incident wave and the reflected wave at time t = 0 The incident wave is shown as and the reflected wave is shown as Figure 2

P is a point on the string. The periodic time for one oscillation of the waves is T.Luovo in The amplitude of both the incident wave and the reflected wave is A. State the displacement of the stationary wave at P at time t = 0 \text { Figure } 3 \text { shows the incident wave at time } t=\frac{T}{4} \text {. }

\text { Draw on Figure } 4 \text { the reflected wave at time } t=\frac{T}{4} \text {. }

\text { Describe and explain the appearance of the stationary wave at time } t=\frac{T}{4} \text {. }

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8

Fig: 9

Fig: 10

Fig: 11

Fig: 12

Fig: 13