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(a) What are the typical symbols used for the dynamic and kinematic viscosity? What are their SI units? What are their values for air and water? (b) What is specific gravity? What are the values of specific gravity for (i) water, (ii)mercury? (c) What is rate of strain and what are its SI units? (d) What are Newtonian fluids? Give examples. (e) What are shear-thickening and shear-thinning fluids? Give at least one example of each. (f) What is an expression for the buoyancy force acting on an object of volume V and specific gravity SG, submerged in a fluid of specific gravity SG? Use pu for density of water. If we are looking at the free-body diagram of an object immersed in a fluid, under what-conditions can one neglect the buoyancy force in comparison to other forces acting onthe object?

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