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Assignment 1

Intersession 2023

Data, Stratigraphy, and Chronology Interpretation (Total 20 Points)

Archaeological data are provided, including a stratigraphic profile, radiocarbon dates, and a list

of the faunal remains and artifacts found within two of the numbered Features in the

profile. Note that only scientific names are provided for most of the faunal remains, meaning

you will need to look these up to find the common names and learn about the habitats of each

important resource.

Using these data, you are required to respond to several questions relating to chronology, site use

and activity areas, social organization, and subsistence.

Responses must be submitted on the response form provided; please be certain to list your name

and student ID number on the form and as part of the file name when submitting.

Responses should be made using bullet points whenever possible. For longer responses, the

maximum word count for each question is indicated on the response form; it is not necessary to

repeat the question in your response.

Al writing tools are not acceptable for this assignment.

1 ARCH 101 OL

Assignment 1

Intersession 2023

Chronology: Determine the length of occupation (4 points total)

Several radiocarbon (14C) dates were obtained for this site, focusing on the uppermost and lowermost

deposits within the stratigraphic sequence. Note: the radiocarbon (¹ªC) dates may not come from the

same Features that you are asked to analyze or describe in other parts of this assignment, so look at all

of the dates provided. Using these dates (error factors have been removed for clarity - consider these

calibrated dates), answer the following questions:

1. When was the site first occupied? The radiocarbon date value is all that is required. (10 words)

(1 point)

2. When does the site appear to have been permanently abandoned? The radiocarbon date value

is all that is required. (10 words) (1 point)

2 ARCH 101 OL

Assignment 1

3. Does the site occupation appear to be more-or-less continuous through time, or is there

evidence for a break in occupation? (20 words) (1 point)

4. Why do you feel this is the case? (100 words) (1 point)

Intersession 2023

3 ARCH 101 OL

Feature 2 (F2) (200 words)

Assignment 1

Site Use and Activity Areas (6 points total)


Describe the activity or activities associated with the following Features, discussing each Feature

individually. What type(s) of activities do you think were occurring, based upon the materials

recovered? (2 Features, 3 points each, 6 points total; bullet points are preferred).

Feature 4/5 (F4/5) (200 words)

Intersession 2023

4 ARCH 101 OL

Assignment 1

Intersession 2023

Social Organization (5 points total)

6. Do the patterns in feature location suggest anything about the level of social organization that

was present at this site? Would this be classified as a band, segmentary society, chiefdom, or

state level society? Choose and list any one of these society types. (10 words) (2 points)

7. Why do feel that this is the case? (100 words) (3 points, bullet points preferred).