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As we noted in the lecture this week, the idea of "thin" and "thick" client has been around for

decades. "Thin" client means that most of computing power is located on the server, when the

client only provides an interface to it. The idea behind "thick" client is to keep a significant

portion of computing on the client side. Servers may also use computing power but the

system cannot rely on servers only./nIn APA format, create 3-4 slide powerpoint slide presentation. Arguing in favor of a 'thin' or

a 'thick' client approach to software architecture. For the side of your choice, explain the role

of the server-side and client-side programming and the load of the network in that case. Use

examples of present systems (avoid using historic arguments). Write three to five sentences to

summarize your position.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2