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Assignment 2: FMEA (4 pages using APA format)

Choose a small system or process that you understand well This could be equipment

you currently work with or could be something in your house (like a toaster or hot

water tank). Anything that you know well will work. The purpose is for you to complete

a FMEA, not learn a new system.

Pretend you are on the AIM team and need to present your first run FMEA to someone

who is not familiar with the system/equipment.

1. You will need to describe the asset so the reader can understand and follow (and

assess) your analysis.

2. You can then present your completed FMEA.


For this you can incorporate the complete FMEA in the report body or just

highlight portions and include the full worksheet in an appendix.


It is key that I can see all elements of your FMEA.


If possible I would like it in one document but if that is not possible, I will

except an additional file (like excel).

3. You will then complete a short discussion on the FMEA.

o What are the priority items, what mitigation strategies should be

implemented first, what would be the result of implementing mitigation,


4. Then include a short conclusion summarizing the key outcomes of the FMEA.


Fig: 1