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Assignment Instructions: Link-1: framework-for-ethical-decision-making/ Link – 2 : Write two paragraphs from what you gained from this sources word limit: 200 words maximum/n↓ !!! M Inbox (33,526) - sayans X MWeek 4 interview sumn ☑ My LAPU ☑ Tile: Week 7 | PSYC 315 X Mastering Venn Diagra X LOS ANGELES PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Home Dashboard My courses Helps APU Library Tech Support Q c. + | ره ☑ Review the following to prepare for this week's discussion and assignment: READ • Introduction to a Framework for Ethical Decision- Making (opens in a new window) • A Framework for Ethical Decision-Making (opens in a new window) • APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (opens in new window) • AACC Christian Counseling Code of Ethics (opens in a new window) • Ethical Approaches as a Christian Professional (opens in a new window) [Original Media] Professor Corner Greetings Class! Along with my welcome in the announcements, I wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself and share with you some important information. I have been a colleg professor for 20+ y teaching in the traditional brick and 52° Q Search வ H ☑ Ο + 1:39 PM 4/14/2024 PRE

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