an opportunity to demonstrate your achievements of the following module learning outcomes. LO 1 LO 2 LO 4 LO 5 Produce written work which is well-organised, relevant and makes use of appropriate terminology and academic style. Demonstrate good academic writing skills. Identify problems, apply their knowledge and skills in finding solutions and evaluate these solutions. Interpret and analyse a range of information beyond mere description. Task Requirements: You are required to write an essay that critically evaluates one academic area from one of your IFP modules. Your essay should demonstrate both knowledge of relevant skills and concepts from the following topics studied in Term 1. You must also demonstrate the ability to apply these skills appropriately to the essay topic: Essay writing: appropriate essay structure; organisation and language Research and online sources, referencing and avoiding plagiarism: appropriate use of sources to support ideas; correct in-text references and reference list/nIFOACA Assessment Brief: Essay Assessment Criteria: (see below for detailed marking criteria) Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria as outlined below. Criteria Details Content & Evaluation Organisation Use of Sources Referencing Language C1. Can understand and address all parts of the question C2. Can clearly state & develop your stance / thesis C3. Can discuss relevant ideas in some depth & consider other points of view 01. Can organise a written response that is appropriate to your thesis and provides a logical flow of ideas (global) 02. Can write paragraphs with a clear focus, logical sequencing of ideas (local) 03. Can write an introduction & conclusion appropriate to your thesis / essay question. U1. Can identify key information in texts to support your argument U2. Can use effective paraphrase and quotation U3. Can interpret & incorporate sources appropriately to support academic argument R1. Can acknowledge sources accurately using appropriate in-text and end-of- text referencing conventions L1. Can demonstrate range of appropriate vocabulary to express ideas comprehensively L2. Can write with degree of accuracy, not impeding meaning L3. Can apply appropriate style and language register to the task. Weighting 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%/n
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