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AUM American University Of The Middle East COURSE Project (30%) 2023-2024 Electric and Magnetic Fields EE 311 Semester: Spring 2024 • Fax: (965) 222 51 427 Tel: (965) 222 51 400 P.O.BOX:220 Dasman, 15453 Kuwait 1. 2. Table of Contents Introduction........ Project Description....... 3. ABET Learning Outcome.. 4. Student Project Evaluation. 5. Group formation ………………………………. 6. Project Management & Deliverables. 7. Turnitin 8. Artificial Intelligence Al-based content 9. APA Style .... 10. Academic Honesty and Integrity Assurance... 11. Copyrights 12. Project and team-based work. _ 13. Student Assessment Rubric.. 14. Appendix A 3 4 LO 5 5 56 6 7 8 800 9 .9 10 13 1. Introduction Projects for engineering students give an edge over the race of recruitment to work hard to ensure a good career. In spite of employment practices in recent times, students are progressively taking up projects to pad up their skill-set. Engineering projects help students to learn and acquire practical knowledge. Despite the theory concept they acquire, various industries also need to know their capacity to complete projects using their specific initiatives. Thus, we recommend students to realize engineering projects in their four years of engineering and try to present as many white papers as possible. Students who give importance to their course projects are expected to learn how to: • Work in teams including multidisciplinary teams. ● Build a major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in the course work. • Build a major design experience incorporates appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints. • Apply both analysis and synthesis in the engineering design process, resulting in designs that meet the desired needs. In the design process, both creativity and criticism are essential. The followings are the seven steps that students should consider while designing their projects: • Recognition of the need and identifying opportunities: Every project begins with recognition that needs improvement. These needs may be obvious or hidden to be revealed by investigation, surveys or research. • Definition of the design problem: It is a major task requires gathering information about the problem. • • • Definition of the design criteria and constraints: While the problem is being defined, the design criteria and constraints must be defined. a. Design criteria are performance standards to be met by the design. b. Design constraints are limitations placed on the designer, the final design or manufacturing process. Examples of possible constraints include accessibility, aesthetics, codes, constructability, cost, ergonomics, extensibility, functionality, interoperability, legal considerations, maintainability, manufacturability, marketability, policy, regulations, schedule, standards, sustainability, or usability. C. Risk analysis The design loop: design is a repetitive process of: a. Synthesis (Brainstorming - Generating new ideas) b. Analysis (Breaking ideas – find expected results) c. Decision-making (Deciding the best alternative) Optimization: Design team must ask themselves if it is the optimum design. Optimum is the best design that can be achieved at reasonable cost. The proposed design is judged against the design criteria. Evaluation: Design team should hold a design review to approve drawings and specifications before they are released. If an optimum design cannot be achieved, the design team might revise the problem definition, the design criteria, or the constraints in order to achieve the optimal solution or prototype. 2. Project Description The Hall Effect Switch employs a Hall Effect sensor, a device that can alter its output voltage in response to applying a magnetic field. The Hall Effect Sensor, when combined with a proper circuitry, turns the circuit on and off based on changes in the magnetic field. Hall switches, well-known for their precision and accuracy, and can even be programmed to activate the button at specific magnetic fields, making it another good choice for elevator applications. This project requires students to construct an elevator system with three different levels using a Hall Effect sensor/s, Arduino Uno, keypad, DC Motor, LCD module, LEDs and whatever discrete components needed to achieve the functionality of the project. The separation distance between the levels is specified based on your section number as per Table 1 below. The keypad will be used to enter the number of the required level and based on the current location of the elevator, which will be determined using the Hall Effect sensor/s, the Arduino should control the operation of the DC motor to move the elevator car up/down, each group is required to operate its elevator using a different voltage supply as per Table 2 below. In addition, Arduino will depend on the Hall Effect sensor/s to detect the reached level and decide whether to keep moving or to stop once the required level is reached. The LCD Module will be used to display the start level of the elevator car when stationary, the destination level needed, and the current level when in motion. A Red LED will be used to indicate the movement of the elevator car, and a green LED will be used to indicate that the required level is reached and the elevator car is now stationary. LIMIT SWITCH SHAFT ER TOP FLOOR LEVEL SENSOR CURRENT SENSOR ENCODER 2ND FLOOR MOTOR DRIVER MOTOR LEVEL SENSOR CAR DOOR LOAD SENSOR INFRARED SENSOR LEVEL SENSOR LIMIT SWITCH Figure 1. Elevator system. 1ST FLOOR Table 1. Predefined distance between levels according to section number. Section F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 Distance in cm 10 15 20 12.5 17.5 Table 2. Motor Control Voltage according to the group number. Group Motor Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 сл 5 5.5 6 6.5 Voltage (V) Finally, students are required to discuss how the following standards apply to their prototype: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) IEC 61000-4 Ingress Protection (IP) Ratings IEC 60529 3. ABET Learning Outcome A student who successfully fulfills the course project requirements will have: a) Develop and apply engineering design processes to meet the requirements of engineering standards taking into consideration the impactful constraints of global, economic, environmental, societal, health, safety, and welfare factors. [SO2, SO4] b) Work within a team, apply new knowledge, enhance hands-on experience, draw conclusions, and communicate results through the offered course project. [SO2, SO3, SO5, SO7] *[S02] An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. *[S03] An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences. *[S04] An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts. *[S05] An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives. *[S07] An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies. 4. Student Project Evaluation Weight Project PD-1: Conceptual Design PD-2: Testing and Results Discussion Report 7.5% 7.5% PD-3: Prototype Demo and Q&A 15% Total 30% Students may be asked to work in groups to complete certain assignments. Depending on the needs of the course, the faculty may arrange the groups and inform students on Moodle in advance.