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Backend Programming: Project

Appointment Reservation System

for Dentist Practice

Object Oriented Programming Solution

40 Points and

60 Extra points for GUI

1. Project Description:

The purpose of this project is to develop an appointment reservation

program for a dentist's practice. The program will provide an easy-to-use

interface for patients to schedule appointments with the dentist, while also

allowing the dentist and the clinic staff to manage and track appointments

efficiently. The program will be written in Java and should have a user-

friendly graphical user interface (GUI) to enhance usability./n1. Project Description:

The purpose of this project is to develop an appointment reservation

program for a dentist's practice. The program will provide an easy-to-use

interface for patients to schedule appointments with the dentist, while also

allowing the dentist and the clinic staff to manage and track appointments

efficiently. The program will be written in Java and should have a user-

friendly graphical user interface (GUI) to enhance usability.

Functional Requirements

1. Patient Registration and Login

1.1. Patients should be able to register with the system by providing their

basic information, such as name, contact details, and maybe medical


1.2. Patients can log in to the system using their registered credentials./nBackend programming Home Work

2. Dentist and Staff Login

2.1. Dentists and authorized staff members should have separate login

credentials to access the system.

2.2. Dentist and staff should have different levels of access rights (e.g.,

dentist can view patient data, staff can manage appointments).

3. Appointment Scheduling

3.1. Patients should be able to view the dentist's availability and schedule

appointments at available time slots.

3.2. The system should prevent patients from double-booking appointments

for the same time slot.

3.3. Patients should be able to reschedule or cancel their appointments

within a specified time frame.

4. Appointment Management

4.1. Dentists and staff should be able to view and manage the

appointments scheduled for the dentist.

4.2. The system should allow dentists to accept, reschedule, or cancel

appointments as needed.

2. User Interface (UI) Design

2.1. The GUI should be intuitive and user-friendly for patients, dentists, and

staff. For example:

Prof. Dr. Rand Kouatly, EU University Europe, Summer 2023

2/5/nBackend programming Home Work

















C. In each class you have to:

• Constructors.

• Getter and setters.

• Calculate Volume Method.

• Print item info.


appointment class,

• user class (Staff, and patients),


Prof. Dr. Rond Kouatly, EU University Europe, Summer 2023







Solution Steps:

Please follows the following steps during the solution:

A. Create Packages, You need at least 2 main packages,

B. You are free to uses your own solution, the solution must be OOP.

and you need to create at least:




3/5/nBackend programming Home Work

D. You save the appointments in a List of appointments.

E. The Solution condition

The solution must has the following teaches (Not following the following

condition you will have penalties of each points):

1- Base on OOP, no static methods are allowed, except of

Lambda Function if needed. (20 points penalty)

2- All variables must be private, (4 point penalty)

3- Uses inheritance, and abstract in the solution (4 points


4- Uses Array or list to save the appointments (4 points penalty).

5- Uses Array or list to save the users information. (2 points


6- UTF8 character coding (1 point penalty).

Please save Java program that:

1- Create a project called YourNameHW, please uses your first

name and last name.

2- Write your name in the code as comment.

Prof. Dr. Rand Kouatly, EU University Europe, Summer 2023

4/5/nBackend programming Home Work

2. The extra non mandatory part

This part is only for those who miss or get lower points in Quiz 1 and Quiz

2, and HW you can do GUI implementation of the project.

3. Report The Solution

Please write a Java program that contained the following information you

include in your reports the following points:

1. You can add any other methods, classes that you see necessary to

show your work for example (nice printing, entering data, ..)

2. Write comments to explain your program in correct ways.


1- This home work is individual each student has to submit her/his

solution within the time frame, any failed of submission in the

deadline, he will get zero.

2- Please save your homework src directory only in compressed file


3- Please submit your homework as zip file before 4 October 11:00

AM using the team upload link in MsTeam account, any

submission by email later submission will be not counted


4- Nonworking program or fail in submission on time will get zero.

5- Any copy of the home work will cause failing the course, it is

individual work so do it along.

Prof. Dr. Rond Kouatly, EU University Europe, Summer 2023

5/5/nBackend programming Home Work

6- Please do not uses Al systems (ChatGPT, Bard, Bing, ...), any

used will got zero and fail attempt

7- Please upload your project in the assignment under your name in


8- Please do not send any questions after 17:00, and in

holydays, or day off, thank you,

Good Luck

Prof. Dr. Rand Kouatly

Prof. Dr. Rand Kouatly, EU University Europe, Summer 2023


Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7