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CAD101 Mid-Term Submit one pdf with header and folder link. 1. Create Front, Top and Right view with all dimensions for the following (15 points each) isometric views 1.jpg a. b. C. 10 15 All dimensions should be placed between the views and not within the part. d. e. f. All center lines and center-marks should be utilized where possible. g. Hidden lines must be demonstrated in one view. h. Missing dimension -1 point each. i. Redundant dimension -1 point each. j. Any dimension obscured by another dimension or feature -1 point each. k. Wrong line type -1 point each. I. Hidden lines or center lines not correctly ended -1 point each. m. Dimensions should reflect the ability of the measurement and only one digit beyond the decimal. n. Diameter call out multiple holes 2X 01.0 0. 2. Create Floor plan your choice (40 points) b. a. 26'-0" BEDROOM 3 9-8" X 12'-2" BEDROOM 2 9'-8" X 12'-2" BATH MASTER BEDROOM 13'2" x 12'9" CLOSET UTILITY Ο CLOSET 50'-0" DECK 12'-0" X 8'-0" D DINING 10'-6" X 9'-0" KITCHEN 10"-4" X 11'-6". M.BATH 11-6" X 11'-6" GREAT ROOM 21'-0" X 15'-4" MASTER BED 11'-6" X 15'-4" PORCH 28'-0" X 6'-0" BATH Ref BATH COAT STORAGE KITCHEN DINING 13'6" x 10'9" R/O BEDROOM 2 9'10" x 9'8 BEDROOM 3 10'0" x 8'8" LINEN CLOSET LIVING ROOM 16'4 x 12'0" 52'-0" -28'-0" GARAGE 11'6" x 20'0" 44'-0" mm WIC 7 11-9 x 6-8 BATH 9-8 X 9-4 CUSTOM SHOWER 6-6 × 9-4₤ Laundry 50'-0" 8 FT DEEP PORCH KITCHEN/DINING 19-8 X 13-0 MASTER BEDROOM 16-0 X 14-0 GREAT ROOM 19-8 X 17-0 6 FT DEEP PORCH BEDROOM 3 12-0 X 12-0 BATH 2 BEDROOM 2 12-0 X 12-0 C. d. Must draw full scale. e. f. You use offset lines or multiline features. Interior walls 4 ½", Exterior and load bearing walls 6½" g. Show dimension (do your best but do not need to be exact just to scale) h. Show Texts İ. Add doors and window where you think. j. Show bedroom, dining and family room furnishing. k. Use ADCenter for components where possible. i. Try for mac computers. 3. Bonus points (5pts - 15 points pending on your work) a. Value based on difficulty. b. One model of your choice that was done this semester but not assigned for class. i. It can be one of the above floor plans not done. ii. It can be one of the isometrics. iii. It can be any drawing on-line.