
Consider the design project on which you are currently working as the basis for the following instructions and questions. 1. List a specific technical topic about which you have needed more

knowledge than what you have gained in the classroom. 2. List and discuss the specific ways (sources, techniques, etc.) that you have gained this knowledge. ("The internet", any online search engine, Wikipedia, and other similar sources do not qualify as valid sources/methods/techniques and will void your answer to this question). 3. Discuss other methods or techniques that you think would be helpful in learning the fundamentals of a new technology. ("The internet", any online search engine, Wikipedia, and other similar sources do not qualify as valid sources/ methods/ techniques and will void your answer to this question). 4. List any specific conferences where you believe you would gain more knowledge and insight into the issues you are facing in your design project. One suggested source for finding these conferences is the IEEE website or other professional societies. 5. Find on the IEEE Learning Network ( a technical topic that you would like to learn (more) about. In a sentence or two, summarize the abstract of the lecture/course. Then explain why this is of interest to you or relevant to your project.