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Consider the section of a floor framing system shown below. The slab acts as a 1-way slab and issubject to a uniform 90psf load. The loading diagrams for a typical beam and the girders areshown below.

Determine the total vertical deflection of the central beam (B2) at midspan. Include the deflection of the support girders in your determination of total deflection. Clearly identify yourfinal answer indicating the magnitude and direction of the deflection. Assume the beam has a constant Young's Modulus of E = 29,000ksi and a constant Moment of Inertia of I = 895in¹. Assume the girders have a constant Young's Modulus of E = 29,000ksi and a constant Moment of Inertia of I = 15,320in¹.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5