course assignment cover sheet action research approaches in operationa
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Module Name
Module Code
Doctorate in Management - UCAM
Action Research Approaches in Operational Management
Student Name
Student ID
Email ID
Date Submitted
NB: The Turnitin will be checked internally by assessors
Assessment type
Marks Awarded
Task 1: Report
Task 2: Reflective Essay
Overall Marks
Overall Grade achieved by the learner
Summative Feedback by Assessor for further improvement 70% and above
60 to 69%
50 to 59%
40 to 49%
Fail Grades
30 to 39%
(Module retake)
29% and Below
(Module retake)
The assignment evaluated is of a high to exemplary standard. The work
addresses clearly and articulately the assignment requirements and thus meets
and satisfies all the learning outcomes (either well or in an exemplary way).
The work demonstrates: clear knowledge; references to appropriate academic
literature; analysis; critical evaluation; and originality of argument. It is
structured and presented to a high (or exemplary) standard. Referencing
conventions are fully observed.
The assignment evaluated is of a good to a high standard. Substantial
knowledge, comprehension and analysis is evident throughout. Arguments
presented are clear and focused with a logical structure in place. There is clear
evidence of critical evaluation of a wide range of theories/perspectives from
academic literature and some independent thought. The work is well-written
and addresses well all of the learning outcomes. Referencing conventions are
fully observed.
The assignment evaluated is of a fair to good standard. Adequate knowledge,
comprehension and analysis is evident throughout. The arguments presented
have a logical structure and show some critical evaluation in places, although
there may be limited evidence of an independent perspective. There is evidence
of some good engagement with some of the appropriate literature. Learning
outcomes have been largely met and to an appropriate degree. Referencing
conventions are observed.
The assignment evaluated is of a basic standard. The arguments presented have
some logical structure and are supported by academic literature in most cases.
The academic literature used is outside of the suggestions made in the module
guide but remains limited. Little critical evaluation is evident, and the work
tends more widely towards a descriptive style. Learning outcomes have been
addressed in a basic but satisfactory way. Referencing conventions are mostly
The assignment evaluated is of a limited standard. Limited use of academic
literature and as such knowledge and argument is very weak. A simple
descriptive style with no evidence of critical evaluation throughout. Over-
reliance on simplistic, limited sources. Referencing conventions may not be
observed. Some learning outcomes met but in a weak and simplistic way. The
work is needs to be developed in greater depth and detail to move to a passable
standard at this level of study
The assignment evaluated is of an unacceptable standard. There is little or no
evidence of knowledge and understanding that is required at this level.
Referencing is inadequate or non-existent. The learning outcomes have not
been addressed fully and the work requires significant modification to bring it
to a passable standard. Module Description
This course will enable learners to understand and apply elements of Action Research in the domain of
operations. Students are expected to apply theoretical and data-driven approaches to add to the existing
body of knowledge in Operations management. Through an initial operational understanding of the
practice system within projects and processes, while controlling the standard quality linked at every stage,
students gradually are trained to evaluate strategic issues of designing operational systems that yield
optimized results. The research supervisors welcome a wide variety of operational domains that deserves
to be improved through the application and cyclical nature of Action Research.
Active Research Areas: service management, healthcare management, retail operations, logistics, supply-
chain management, sustainability, stochastic control of processing networks, revenue management, not-
for-profit operations, and contracting and economic-mechanism design.
Learning outcomes
LO1: To understand and apply the steps of Action Research in the domain of operations management.
LO2: To analyze and evaluate research-based practice systems within the supply chain of manufacturing
and service firms.
LO3: To critically evaluate an action plan with control checks that focuses on improving the quality of the
existing systems.
LO4: To critically evaluate the different methods of operations research with an aim to create efficient
and effective operational channels.
1. Materials Access
All learning materials are provided in the form of a module kit and can be accessed from the
Learning Management system (LMS)
2. Learning Hours
Students need to be aware of their commitment requirements in regard to study time. In order to
give you an indication of that, we have based the following information on the United Kingdom
(UK) Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency guidelines. “The notional learning hours
associated with qualifications, programmes and individual units of study are based on a broad agreement across institutions that students can expect to spend 10 hours learning on average in
order to gain one academic credit unit” (QAA 2006).
3. Re-sit
If you do not secure a pass, please read closely the feedback and speak with your Course
leader(s) or faculty. After consulting the feedback, close attention is essential to rework on the
areas of weakness, and then resubmit the work at the next opportunity. As per the QAA
requirements, only one REDO is allowed where the marks will be capped at a Pass.
4. Plagiarism
All forms of plagiarism are taken seriously, and any suspected cases will be investigated
thoroughly. If a case is found proven, then the work will be graded as a failure and the case will
be reviewed by the academic committee. The assessment team checks the Turnitin before the
evaluation of the assignment is undertaken.
5. Student appeals
There are no re-evaluations as the marks are graded and internally verified before release.
However, as per our appeals policy, a student can make an appeal to the course leader which will
be then reviewed by the academic committee (please check our academic policies and
procedures manual for more information)
6. Assignment submission extensions
Students can apply for extensions via the LMS based on extenuating circumstances (if any) with
evidence (proof) as per our extensions policy.
General Guidelines
1. Complete the 'To be filled by the student section' in the cover page.
2. All assignments must be submitted as an electronic document in MS word via the LMS (Use 12
Times New Roman script with 1.5 spacing between lines)
3. The results are declared only if the student has met the mandatory attendance requirement of 75%
and/or minimum 50 % under extenuating circumstances approved and ratified by the academic
committee and the examination board.
4. The assignment should not contain any contents with references cited from websites such as,,,, Wikipedia but should contain
references/citations from credible academic journal and articles.
5. Submit the assignment in MS word document with the file name being:
First Name Last Name Module Code