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CSCE 5650 ASSIGNMENT 7 Requirements For the topic you have been approved for in Assignment #6, prepare a 5-minute presentation with 6-7 slides and upload a recording of your presentation. You may prepare this using Zoom, YouTube or any other mechanism that allows you to present the slides with your discussion of them. Your slides should be organized as follows. Do not include slides covering topics already covered in the course (e.g., a slide explaining what code optimization is). 1. Title slide (presentation title and your name) 2. Introduction - what problem is being solved and why is it important? 3. Background - what does one need to know to understand the problem? 4. Approach (1-2 slides) - what are the solutions to the problem? 5. Conclusion - what has been accomplished and what is still left to be done? 6. References Submission: You will electronically submit a recording (video or link to the video) of your presentation to the Assignment 7 dropbox in Canvas by the due date.