VLE submission Kamran Javidi Final Main Project Level / Term Cyber security - Creative Computing - Credit/ Cloud Computing Weighting % Ajaz Ali Date of Issue Final Main Project - Ravensbourne University London 2023/24 Level 6 / Term 2 1 Ravensbourne University London Project Brief Introduction: The main purpose for the Final Main Project is to summarize the achieved knowledge in one efficient and technical project. Students will have enough time to work on the project and they will receive proper consultation during the project's period. A mixture of the research and innovation is expected. Students will work on their interested area which will be a perfect preparation before entering into the job markets. Task 1 (10%) Proposal (1500-2000 words) (25th February at 23:59 PM) The below topics must be covered in the proposal: 1- Introduction 2- Background 3- Research Problems 4- Aims and Objectives 5- Useful software and application for the project/research 6- Importance of the project 7- Initial Literature review 8- Ethic relevance and problems 9- References You need to discuss with your supervisors for the proper topics and finally the topic must be accepted with the supervisor. Task 2 (70%) Final Main Project (6000-7000 words) (26th April at 23:59 PM) 1- This is the main part of the final project and bigger part of the mark is allocated for this part. All the mentioned items in proposal must be developed in the main project with the meaningful results and outputs. 2- During the term time students can receive the proper consultations from the supervisors to develop their projects in better ways. 3- The final paper must have an enough technical scope with the very clear results. The analysis must be illustrated in the particular graphs and tables. 4- The conclusion and future works of the project will show its elasticity for the further developments. 5- If any applications are used in the project then they will be tested during the project presentation. 6- You need to support your project by explaining how the project will be useful and what kind of novel features have you done inside your project in compare with the other same projects. 7- The plagiarism and ethical aspects are very important in this module and they will be checked carefully, so you need to be mindful about it. Task 3 (20%) Presentation (12 – 15 slides) (19th April at 23:59 PM) 1- You need to prepare your slides for the final presentation. Slides must be a main project summary and you need to be dominant enough on all parts of the project during the presentation. 2- If you used or created any application in the project then you need to answer the following questions: The reason you created the application How useful is the app for the project Final Main Project - Ravensbourne University London 2023/24 2 Ravensbourne University London How unique is the app in compare with the rest available applications 3- After the presentation a couple of questions will be asked from the supervisory board to assess the project. Note: The final mark for the module will be holistic and the weighting percentages are only for internal assessment. You need to upload the related files on time and before the deadline due. Formative Viva week 10 On week ten students should present their project formatively to check the project's progression and any probable issues inside the project. Assessment Methods and Tasks Internal Assessment tasks Proposal Task-1 Final Assessment method Main Research Body Task-2 Presentation Task-3 Assessment and tutor feedback date Three weeks after Task-2 submission deadline date Final Main Project - Ravensbourne University London 2023/24 Holistic Submission Method PDF, Aula PDF format, upload on Aula Power point format (ppt) and upload the slides on Aula 10% 70% 20% 100% Weighting % 3