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Each assignment must be no more than four (4) pages long, with 1-inch

margins, 12- point font and line space of 1.5. Any supporting references,

figures or tables must be included in the four pages.

Assignments should begin with a short (about 200-word) executive

summary stating the main points and conclusion(s). As the name

suggests, an executive summary is not an introduction - rather, it is a

summary of the main points.

• Put the source of any quotes or statistical/data references you use in


Assignment details You have been asked by your CEO to prepare a

macroeconomic report for the next executives' meeting in your company. In

particular, to help formulate the firm's production and investment plans, the

firm's executives need to know how the US and the global economy are

expected to perform in 2024. So, these are the questions they have for you:

What is the expected real GDP growth rate for 2024 for the US, major

foreign economies, and the world overall?

What are the key global macroeconomic trends?

• What are the threats to US and/or global economic growth?

Executives need a precise explanation of your reasoning. Furthermore,

your analysis should be data-driven, ie, based on data series, projections,

and/or articles from reliable sources (either reputable news sources or

reports of government agencies and/or interna- tional organizations).

Examples of reputable news sources include the Financial Times, the

Economist and the Wall Street Journal (this is an non-exhaustive list).

Relevant US gov- ernment agencies include the Board of Governors of the

Federal Reserve System and the regional Federal Reserve Banks, the Bureau

of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Bureau of Eco- nomic Analysis (BEA) and the

Congressional Budget Office (CBQ). Relevant international organizations

include the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization for Eco-

nomic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank. The

following links may be useful:

Fig: 1