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FOIA, Public Information,

Police Coverage

Add your contribution to this discussion

board after completing the reading for the week.

There is a LOT of viewing this week, so you will

want to think about what films you consumed

and attempt to come up with a few main themes

or points that you've picked up on this week.

Perhaps you will want to make an argument, or

state a thesis as a way to start your post or

video. Then, attempt to draw together a few

points from several readings that relate to one

another, or are in tension with one another.

This week's topic is public information, the

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and how

journalists cover the police. FOIA is one of the

ways the First Amendment has been interpreted

and applied to allow Americans, journalists and

private citizens, to access information from

government institutions. How is it a tool of a

democracy? Should the public have the ability to

see the inner workings of police departments and

government bodies? Critics have said FOIA

doesn't have "teeth" because so much can be/nAdd your contribution to this discussion

board after completing the reading for the week.

There is a LOT of viewing this week, so you will

want to think about what films you consumed

and attempt to come up with a few main themes

or points that you've picked up on this week.

Perhaps you will want to make an argument, or

state a thesis as a way to start your post or

video. Then, attempt to draw together a few

points from several readings that relate to one

another, or are in tension with one another.

This week's topic is public information, the

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and how

journalists cover the police. FOIA is one of the

ways the First Amendment has been interpreted

and applied to allow Americans, journalists and

private citizens, to access information from

government institutions. How is it a tool of a

democracy? Should the public have the ability to

see the inner workings of police departments and

government bodies? Critics have said FOIA

doesn't have "teeth" because so much can be

redacted or stalled or just plain ignored -- is

there a better way to communicate honestly

between journalists and the government?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2