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Four Serie Sal Goserve the fact of the Mamber of Toms of Rotator Sun on hoge Sheet & Leumariptize: For the following periodio fording function: imm preation (ie approximation) can be

view Four F(1) 0 18, AN 4x 1 Explore the effect of the summalian sem by expanding it to various exlerts. Then on a Google Sheet, genere several plots, each representing an extent of the sum expansion. Compare your plats a the original forsing funulian, shown above, by averaying the plats in your Google Street Finally, draw some conclusions by typing directly into a cell; regarding the effect of the number of eummadon terms of the Fourier sedee on the accuracy of spomx mating the actual forcing function APNG image of the original pier with transparem background wil he provided. Deliverabe: Google Sheet Ruks Your submited Google Shee: must be accessine enyone with the link can view *cal have any proxected cartent (either rarge or steel) contain only one tab, in, ell deta end plos must appear in the same ab Senoned with ComScanner

Fig: 1

Fig: 2