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Human reproductive Biology 1. Describe the structure of the male and female reproductive systems, relating structure to function. (200 words): Functions of male reproductive system: Describe the functions of each of these parts. 1. Testis 2. Epididymis 3. Vas deferens 4. Scrotum 5. Prostate gland 6. Seminal Vesicles Functions of female reproductive system: Describe the functions of each of these parts. 1. Ovary 2. Fallopian tubes 3. Uterus 4. Cervix 5. Vagina 2. Describe one function, brought about by the process of meiosis that spermatogenesis and oogenesis have in common. (100 words): 14th – 15th February 2024 Please write the similarities between spermatogenesis and oogenesis in a paragraph rather than a table. Please discuss the process mentioning differentiation, multiplication and division. How many stages of meiosis do they go through. Please mention if haploid or diploid cells are formed. 3. Describe how the end product cells of spermatogenesis and oogenesis differ. (100 words): 16th 17th February 2024 Write a paragraph on the differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Please mention how many sperms and eggs are formed after the process. Discuss the size of the resulting cells. Mobility of the cells. 4. Name THREE hormones involved in the control of the female menstrual cycle and describe their function. (200 words): 18th - 20th February 2024 List three hormones and state what their function in the menstrual cycle are. You can choose any of the ones mentioned below GnRF (Gonadotropin Releasing Factor) FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) LH (Luteinizing hormone) Oestrogen Progesterone Please write three separate paragraphs, one for each hormone and its function in detail. Please mention how they are regulated and whether they stimulate/inhibit other hormones. 5. Summarise the timeline of events in embryonic and foetal development. (600 words) 21st - 23rd February 2024 Name the three stages of fetal/prenatal development (Germinal, Embryonic and fetal) Explain the major events in each stage. For this section, please include aspects like what stage the cells multiply to form a blastocyst. When the neural tubes form. When the nervous system forms. When all the major organs are formed. When the reflexes start to take place. When the foetus puts on weight. 6. Explain the relationship between structure and function of the placenta. (100 words) 24th February 2024 Explain how the placental structure is suited to carry out its function. General function of the placenta mention a few of the functions. Focus on how the placenta acts as an exchange surface for at least one structure to function point. 7. Explain the importance of the changes to the foetal circulation, lungs and liver in the readiness for birth. (300 words) 25th - 26th February 2024 For this section the changes to fetal circulation in the lungs and liver before and after birth needs to be discussed. An example of before birth has been provided for Foremen Ovale, however you need to re-write this in your own words and not copy and paste what has been provided. For this section you need to concentrate on why these events take place. For example mention why the pulmonary arch is present before birth and why it closes after. a. Foramen ovale In the Foetus: Opening between atria in the heart. Allows oxygenated blood to flow from right atria to the left atria and then to the aorta via the left ventricle Changes after birth: b. Ductus arteriosus In the Foetus. Changes after birth: c. Ductus venosus In the Foetus: 8. Identify and explain the function of the stages of birth. (400 words) 27th - 28th February 2024 Changes after birth: d. Umbilical arteries In the Foetus: Changes after birth: e. Umbilical vein In the Foetus: Changes after birth: List the three stages of birth and explain what the function of each stage is. References Question 1 Male Reproductive System Female Reproductive System system#:~:text=The%20main%20function%20of%20the,the%20ova%20of%20a%20 woman Biology/Book%3A_Human Biology ( Wakim and Grewal)/22%3A Reproductive System/22.06%3A Structures of the Female Reproductive System system/ Question 2 and 3 oogenesis Biology/Book%3A_Human Biology ( Wakim and Grewal)/22%3A_Reproductive System/22.08%3A Functions of the F emale Reproductive System Question 4 reproduction Question 5 pregnancy/stages-of-development-of-the-fetus Question 6 functions-explained-with-diagram/5163 Question 7 circulation-ddp/v/fetal-circulation-right-before-birth Fetal Circulation (Ductus Venosus, Foramen Ovale & Ductus Arteriosus) - Sarah Clifford Illustration srity bypasses the VENOSUS PULMONARY ARTERIES miringa FETAL RA CIRCULATION Question 8 and-newborn-90-P02362 PORAMEN OVALE Mixed blood anters the high in 0₂1 65 Some of this enters the exits via the pulmonar T TO GET TH labor/art-20046545 Most of this akes%20the, absorbed%20from%20the%20respiratory%20system Dovie and travels to LUF full NOT S GAS G Biology/Book%3A Human Biology ( Wakim_and_Grewal)/22%3A Reproductive System/22.08%3A_Functions of the F emale Reproductive System