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If the force on a charge in a magnetic field is given by the equation F = BQv where B is the magnetic flux density (the magnetic field strength) Q is the charge on the particle and v is the velocity on the particle. The force is perpendicular to the velocity. a) Explain how this will result in the circular motion of a particle movingthrough a magnetic field, but will not cause a change of its speed. O Derive an equation for the radius of the orbit of the circle moved bythe particle in terms of its velocity v, charge Q, magnetic flux densityB, and the particle's mass, m. A beam of protons (relative atomic mass = 1u) and a beam of alphaparticles (relative atomic mass 4u) are fired into the same magneticfield at the same angle and with the same velocity. Compare thecircular motion made by each beam.

Fig: 1

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Fig: 9