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ii)Describe the reagents and method that you would use to oxidise butan-1-ol to butanoicacid. State what you would observe and give the equation for the reaction (using [O] to represent the oxidising agent). iii)Describe how you would modify your method in i) to obtain butanal. Give the formula of butanal and state which homologous series it belongs to. iv)Draw and name the isomer of butanol which will not oxidise. a) Explain the term 'dehydration', describe the reaction conditions needed and the products formed from the dehydration of alcohols. Write an equation for the dehydration of propan-1-ol to form propene. b) What are the possible products formed when 2-methylbutan-2-ol is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid. Explain why two products are possible. 3. Explain why the dehydration of alcohols provides a way of manufacturing polymers such aspolyethene without using fossil fuels. 4. Haloalkanes can be made through nucleophilic substitution reactions of alcohols. a) Define the terms 'nucleophile' and 'substitution reaction' b) Draw the SN₂ mechanism for the formation of bromoethane from ethanol. c) Write an equation for the preparation of 2-chlorobutane from an alcohol.

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