among options, and System 2, the deliberate, slower, more analytical system. To prepare for writing your reaction paper, you will engage in a number of activities that will allow you to explore your own use of intuition in making decisions. There are four steps in the intuition exploration phase: Step One: Download and complete the Preference for Intuition and Deliberation Scale (PID; Betsch, 2004). Then, follow the instructions to score and interpret your responses. It is important to complete this activity FIRST, before proceeding on to the others. PID (PDF) PID Scoring Instructions (PDF) game Step Two: Download and complete the Monty Knows activity. Do not read the "explanation of the page" until AFTER you have completed the activity. Monty Knows (PDF) Monty Knows Activity Website: to an external site. Step Three: Download and complete the Intuitive Physics Test. Then, score your answers using the answer key. Keep in mind when you take the test that you should move through each item quickly. You should take no more than 10 minutes to complete the test, which includes 20 items. Intuitive Physics Test (PDF) Intuitive Physics Test Answer Key (PDF) Step Four: Download and Complete the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT). Then, score your answers using the answer key. Cognitive Reflection Test (PDF) Cognitive Reflection Test Answer Key (PDF) Once you have completed all four activities, address the following questions in a reaction paper, though not necessarily in the order given. These questions are intended to prime your thinking, and your thinking might take you in a number of different directions as you formulate a response (i.e., there is NOT one "right" answer). You also may wish to discuss your own initial questions about the topic that you were able to answer by connecting the activities to the course materials. Your reaction paper should be in narrative (i.e., paragraph) form: please do NOT use bullets or numbering, and refrain from reiterating the exact questions posed. 1. Briefly, what does Kahneman say about the use of intuition in decision making (i.e., key ideas)? What is your reaction to these ideas? Be sure to cite and referencing information from your textbook. 2. In relation to the key ideas about intuition, what did you learn about your own intuition from doing the activities? (Again, cite and reference information from your text or course readings and provide specific examples from your life experiences where appropriate.) O Did the survey about using intuition (vs. deliberation) in decision making correspond to your use of intuition on the three performance tasks? Explain. Did the intuition tasks deepen your understanding of how intuition operations in our judgments and choice selections? For example, did you see the ideas Kahneman discusses reflected in your performance? Or, if you noticed your O intuition operating differently from the ways Kahneman discusses, why do you think that happened? Explain. In particular, point out any specific examples from your task performance of biases and heuristics that came into play. Can you describe any specific examples from personal experience that demonstrate your effective or ineffective use of intuition to decide? 3. Can you think of any examples from psychology in which using intuition to make judgments and decisions would be particularly harmful? Do you think the empirical reasoning employed to investigate psychological phenomenon can be influenced by intuition? Explain. (Again, cite and reference information from your text or course readings and provide specific examples from your life experiences where appropriate.) Remember, in a reaction paper it is critical to demonstrate your analysis and serious considerations of key ideas from the course materials. For Reaction Paper #1, it is expected that you will use course readings (text or articles) and lectures assigned in Modules 0-2 to support your ideas. Recent empirical articles from scholarly, peer-reviewed JOURNALS that were not assigned in the course may be used to extend your analysis if needed. You MUST cite and reference the sources used for support. Format The minimum length of your paper is 750 words, and the maximum length is 1250 words. This does NOT include the title page or references. Your focus should be on the response to the activity and corresponding questions: include only a very brief introduction and conclusion (approximately 1-2 sentences each). You do NOT need to submit your work corresponding to the activities completed in preparation to write the paper. Because this is your reaction, using first person language is appropriate. However, please keep an academic tone. You are expected to follow all APA formatting requirements. This means you must have a title page (no running head needed) and page numbers. Use continuous double-spacing, Times New Roman font (12 pt.), and 1" margins. Use headings to divide sections: do NOT number or bullet your responses. Also, refrain from reiterating the exact questions posed in the assignment prompt. You do not need an abstract. You must have a references page, and all citations and references must be in proper APA format.