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Industry project Part 1 Overview In this assessment, you will use the first two stages of the CX Design thinking process to conduct and document your research process and to

create a simple Customer Journey Map. You will produce a report documenting your research design and process of defining the customer journey. You will be provided with a design brief to conduct your work on. Assessment criteria ● Outline the research design, data collection methods and evidence of data collected to define the consumer context ● ● ● Critically analyse data from secondary and primary sources to produce research insights relevant to the business Apply design thinking principles to produce clear, authentic and informative design artefacts relevant to the customer journey Articulate a customer-focused problem statement that synthesises your insights from the discovery stage of the CX design process Write in a logical and accurate manner Assessment Details Your task is to conduct the two first stages of design thinking to the design brief provided. You will read the provided brief carefully and determine the best research design to ensure you get the customer and market insights you need. ● Assessment Requirements Your report should cover the following sections and answer the guiding questions outlined below. 1. RESEARCH PLAN How have you planned your research? Which secondary research sources have you included? Why? Which primary research techniques have you used? Why? Who are you focusing on? How are you securing triangulation? How have you captured the data and process? Feel free to address other points you see relevant 2. INSIGHTS FROM SECONDARY RESEARCH Your insights should show what is most relevant for your understanding of CX. Some guiding questions are: ● Who are you looking at? What is the segment you are looking at? What are the characteristics? What do you already know about them? Who are the relevant demographics (e.g., age, race, gender, family size, income, or education) What is the relevant psychographics (e.g. traits, attitudes, interests, values, and other lifestyle factors)? ● What are the relevant behavioural characteristics? (e.g. practices, actions, usage patterns) What is important to them? What do you know about their environment? What do you know about the behaviour you are trying to capture and the context of that behaviour? How does this behaviour fit in with their lives? ● What are some of the past initiatives to address these issues? Were they successful? ● ● 3. INSIGHTS FROM PRIMARY RESEARCH Some guiding questions are: ● ● What are the industry, competition and market issues? Any other relevant insights. 4. BEHAVIOURAL PERSONA Here you will use your insights to draw a behavioural persona of your chosen customer segment. Your persona should address the following: ● What are their actual behaviours, drivers, contexts? How do customers differ from one another? How does their behaviour develop over time? What are customers trying to do at different stages? What are the customers thinking, sensing, feeling and doing? Customer's mindset and key behaviours in certain scenarios Scenarios encompass the environmental factors, including time, location, circumstances, and the people around your customer that influence their motivations and needs. Scenarios define what is influencing a customer's driving goals, needs, and pain points in each situation. Motivational mindsets are the situational goals, needs, and assumptions held by customers that drive their behaviour in each scenario. They represent the underlying factors that influence customer behaviour and ultimately determine whether they will utilize your product or service. What they are likely thinking, feeling and doing in each scenario? Potential barriers for the customer to engage with your product or service? ● Potential value/opportunities for offerings that intersect with those behaviours? ● Other aspects you may deem important. ● 5. JOURNEY MAP Draw the customer journey, with its key stages, customer needs, dimensions of experience (think/feel/social), touchpoints, pain points, moments of truth. You may add any other aspects you deem important. Try to indicate which information in the journey is directly coming from your research and what is just a hypothesis. 6. OVERALL INSIGHT FROM THE DISCOVERY STAGE Problem statement of overall insight (from the point of view of the customer) and a follow-up question in the form of "How might we...?" 7. APPENDIX Add References + Evidence of the Research process (photo of primary research, interview guide, post- it notes, affinity diagrams, etc)