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INFS3230A Spring 2024 Assignment 2 Latency around the World Objective: Given a scenario, use the appropriate network software tools and commands Each student has been assigned a website for a university in a country different from this one. See the table for your assignment, then complete all steps that follow. Student Ahmad Ibrahim Salman Saad Rashed Fares Majed Mohammad Nawaf Jimit Antonio Sarah John Omar Alexander Jesse Bryce Maison Shannon Connor Zachary Caleb Vicente University Australian National University State University of Campinas Federal University of Rio de Janeiro University of Toronto McGill University Pontificia University Catolica de Chile University of Chile Peking University University of Helsinki Paris Sorbonne University Heidelberg University The University of Hong Kong Trinity College Dublin University of Tokyo National Autonomous University of Mexico University of Auckland University of Oslo National University of Singapore University of Cape Town University of Witwatersrand Seoul National University University of Zurich University of Cambridge Country Australia Brazil Brazil Canada Canada Chile Chile China Finland France Germany Hong Kong Ireland Japan Mexico New Zealand Norway Singapore South Africa South Africa South Korea Switzerland United Kingdom Website Note: many of these websites will have extensions when viewing them in a browser to change the language based on the country that the website is being viewed. The websites listed in the table on the previous page is all that is needed for the commands used in the steps below. If you want to view these websites in a browser, please google them first to ensure that the website displays properly using a language that is not the University's native language. Advice: If possible, use an actual windows computer (personal or RMU Lab) to complete this assignment. If neither of these options are possible, using Appstream (Academic option) through is acceptable, but the command prompt command output will differ due to the computers being virtual. 1. In a Command Prompt window, run tracert on a website whose servers are located in a different Country from your location. Your website to use for this assignment can be found in the table on the previous page. What command did you use? Take a screenshot of the results for your submission. 2. Examine the output and find the point in the route when messages started jumping across the ocean (or otherwise out of the country). By what percentage does the RTT increase after the jump compared with before it? You can see an example here. Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.3007] (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\chris>tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 2 3 4 5 6 <1 ms 13 ms 12 ms 29 ms 17 ms 15 ms * 7 8 122 ms 9 121 ms 10 125 ms 11 117 ms 12 130 ms 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 * * * * * * * * Trace complete. <1 ms 13 ms 16 ms 19 ms 23 ms 16 ms * 121 ms 117 ms 122 ms 118 ms 123 ms <1 ms 13 ms 13 ms 15 ms [ 30 ms 16 ms * * [ 114 ms 123 ms 116 ms 120 ms 116 ms [] Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. * * * [ ae-7. [ Request timed out. SWITCH.ear2.Frankfurt1. [] [] [] [] Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. To calculate the percentage for this jump, select a time from just after the jump (114, for example) and divide it by a time from just before the jump (such as 16), then multiply by 100 percent: 114/16 X 100 = 713%. In this case, the sample data yields a 713 percent increase. It takes 7 times as long for a message to go round-trip from the United States to Germany (the location of the first non-US router), as it does for a message to travel round trip between two servers that are both located within the United States. 3. Choose another website whose servers may be in a different country from this one. Select one version of Amazon's website from the list below - but choose a different country from the university website you just worked with. Amazon Marketplace Supported Country Canada Mexico United Kingdom France Germany Italy Spain Website How many hops did it take until the route crossed an ocean (or border)? What other anomalies do you notice about this global route? Take a screenshot of the results for your submission. 4. Scott Base in Antarctica runs several webcams from various research locations. Run a trace to the Scott Base website at Take a screenshot of the results for your submission. What's the closest router to Scott Base's web server that your trace reached? If you can't tell from the command output where the last response came from, go to in your browser. Enter the final hop's IP address to determine the router's location. Submission for this Assignment: You may enter your submission directly into Blackboard, or into a word/google doc and attach it. Your name, and the following will need to be present in your submission for all points to be awarded: 1. Provide a screenshot containing your tracert command output your assigned University. 2. What was the change in RTT you noted in step 2 of this assignment activity? This should be a percentage specific to your university assignment and the detail present in your screenshot from step 1. 3. Provide a screenshot containing your tracert command output for the Amazon website you chose. How many hops did you notice it took until the route crossed an ocean (or border)? 4. Provide a screenshot containing your tracert command output for the Scott Base web server. Note the closest router to the web server that your trace reached, where did you find it was located? Also, provide a screenshot from your query using Requirements for this Assignment: 1. Each student is required to complete this assignment by Sunday, February 18th Midnight. a. 1 point deducted for each day the assignment is late. Assignments more than 3 days late will receive an automatic grade of zero. b. Follow standard APA citation (i.e. any direct quotation to the textbook - not required for this assignment). Resource available within START HERE in Blackboard for this class. Grading: This assignment is worth a maximum of 50 pts. All four assignments make up 40% of your Final Grade.