Output: none
• setWidth
Input: width (double)
Output: none
Input: none
Output: color of the shape (type Color)
• getXPos
Input: none
Output: x position of the bottom left corner (double)
Input: none
Output: y position of the bottom left corner (double)
• getHeight
Input: none
Output: height (double)
• getWidth
Input: none
Output: width (double)
2.3 Rectangle Class Methods
• Constructor
Input: x position of upper left corner (double), y position of upper left corner (double),
width (double), height (double)
• calculatePerimeter
Input: none
Output: perimeter of the rectangle (type double)
• calculateArea
Input: none
Output: area of the rectangle (double)
• set Color
Input: color of the shape (type Color)
Output: none
• set Pos
Input: x, y position of upper left corner (both doubles)
Output: none
Input: height (double)
Output: none
Fig: 1