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• • • Instructions: Answer the questions / complete the tasks fully with all possible evidence for achieving the learning outcome/s. Your report should provide necessary citations and references. Referencing should be done in Harvard Referencing System. Cross referencing is to be followed, wherever needed, failing to which mark will be deducted accordingly. This assessment is worth 50 % of the module mark. FV3201 Group Assignment Brief Assignment Details You have to choose a building of any types of occupancy provided and access architectural plans, elevations, sections and some further information for the building. Your design team has been employed to review fire safety requirement based on NFPA 101 and create a fire strategy for the building. In groups of 3 (groups to be specified) you are required to produce a fire strategy of approximately 4,000 to 6,000 words for the building addressing the functional requirements as per the latest edition of Life Safety Code NFPA 101. Any proposed solution must be viable and proven in your submission. In conjunction with the fire strategy the client also requires a set of FLS Plan with compartmentation drawings. Groups will be given a substantial amount of time in class to work on the project and therefore you must ensure that you attend every session. Each group is expected to maintain a project diary clearly recording progress on the project including records of all meetings (inside and outside of class) and also records of any requests for information. The project diary will be reviewed at regular intervals throughout the module and should be submitted in conjunction with the final fire strategy. Contribution of group members Remember this is a group task requiring an approximately equal contribution from all group members. It is therefore vital that everyone plays their part and each group should include within the project diary a breakdown of the distribution of work with a brief description of the work performed by each group member. Page 1 of 6 Example structure of fire strategy The following is an example of a typical fire strategy layout: • • • . • • • • Introduction Project Description. Building Occupancy and Classification Fire Service Provisions Building Construction and Separation Means of Egress Fire Protection Systems Smoke Control System Occupancy Related Specific Features • Design Strategy Summary The word limit is 2,200 words per student. Remember: You must keep to the word limit • You must demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes • As you construct and present your work, consider the assessment criteria Presentation Instructions It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is neatly and accurately presented. The work must be: Word-processed • Single sided 1.5 or double line spaced • Ariel 12 point font • Justified Page numbered On A4 paper Margins left and right 3cm □ Attached to a cover sheet. Marks may be deducted for failure to follow these instructions. Please look at the Student Guide to Assessment for more information. Referencing All academic writing must be referenced. If you use other people's ideas without referencing them you are plagiarizing their work. Use the Harvard system of referencing within your text. This will take the form: surname, year of publication, page number, and is enclosed within brackets, for example (Bradley 1998, 277). At the end of your essay you should provide an alphabetical list of all the works you cite Page 2 of 6 Plagiarism The use of work produced for another purpose by you, working alone or with others, must be acknowledged. Copying from the works of another person (including Internet sources) constitutes plagiarism, which is an offence within the University's regulations. Brief quotations from the published or unpublished works of another person, suitably attributed, are acceptable. You must always use your own words except when using properly referenced quotations. You are advised when taking notes from books or other sources to make notes in your own words, in a selective and critical way. The group work is worth 50% of the total module assessment. Learning outcomes This assessment will test your ability to meet the learning outcomes as described in your module booklet, specifically: 1. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving 2. Exhibit creativity and innovation in technical design 3. Critically review and analyse client and user requirements, technical briefs and apply significant knowledge to design scenarios, including relevant technological, engineering, legal, health and safety and development factors 4. Exhibit appropriate project management and team working skills Assessment Criteria In general, each member of the group will be awarded the same assignment mark. However, failure by any member of the group to contribute properly may lead to assignment marks being distributed based on team member contributions. This could lead to individual failure of the assignment whilst other members of the group pass. For more information, please see the marking guide at Appendix Page 3 of 6 Marking Scheme Appendix 1 Mark spelling 10/100 layout, and grammar, formatting quality, Criteria Example Report presentation Presentation, referencing etc. Report content FLS drawings Project diary Appropriateness and depth of content etc. 50/100 Identification of non-compliances & potential issues. Suitability of proposed fire strategy. Justification of variations from standard guidance or fire engineered solutions. Appropriateness and clarity of content etc. 20/100 Content, demonstration of progression of 20/100 project. Academic Misconduct Unfair means (which includes cheating, plagiarism, collusion, re- presentation or using Artificial Intelligence to prepare assignments). Page 4 of 6 • • • • • • • Cheating is any deliberate attempt to deceive and covers a range of offences described in the ICEM Policy on Unfair Means to Enhance Performance. Cheating may include any technique intentionally misused by students in the submitted reports such as intended misuse of quotation marks, using hidden quotes, hidden characters and replaced characters. Plagiarism describes copying from the works of another person without suitably attributing the published or unpublished works of others. Collusion is an attempt to deceive the examiners by concealing the true authorship of the student's work by copying, or imitating another student's work in detail. This includes copying other student's consent with his/her consent. It also includes when 2 or more students divide the elements of an assignment amongst themselves and copy one another's answers. Using technological aids and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, without specific authorization is considered academic misconduct. Re-presentation is an attempt to gain credit twice for the same piece of work. Fabrication is making up research data or results and reporting the same. Falsification is manipulating the research data or results such that inaccurate information is reported. Academic penalty: 1. For the first time: the penalty will be 0% for the element of assessment, the plagiarized element of assessment must be resubmitted to the required standard and the mark for the module following resubmission will be restricted to the minimum pass mark (i.e. 40%). 2. In the event of a repeat offence of cheating, plagiarism, collusion or re-presentation on the same or any other module within the course; the appropriate penalty will be 0% for the module with no opportunity for reassessment and you will have to retake the module in a subsequent year. Page 5 of 6/nINSTRUCTIONS Need to Do 1. Introduction. 2. Project Description. 3. Building Occupancy and Classification. 4. Fire Service Provisions. Need 2200 words Harvard style citation and referencing. font Ariel size 12. all guidelines in the file.

Fig: 1