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Instructions Choose one of the following prompts and write a 1000-1200 word essay showing your knowledge and understanding of the materials covered in the first half of the term: A) Choose a film and describe it in terms of its sound and music, discussing the way the sound track is organized and the effects it makes, how it adds to (or detracts from) the film, and how it helps to tell the story. Analyze at least three sequences in which the sound track has a particularly interesting or characteristic function. Use at least ten of the concepts and terminology listed in our slides (example diegetic sound, non diegetic sound, dynamic, pitch, tempo,texture, orchestrated, musical theme, volume, timbre, speech, sound Effect, ambient sound, distorted vision, melody, frequency, )and underline them on your text as you incorporate them correctly in your discussion. Include a Works Cited section in which you mention our required texts: Kalinak (2010); Buhler, Neumeyer, and Demeer (2010); Chion (1994), and at least two other academic sources. Please include a section titled "Links to analyzed sequences" with links to the analyzed sequences. Use The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed throughout. B) Choose a film genre and describe it in terms of its characteristic use of sound and music, discussing the way the soundtrack is usually organized and the effects it makes, how it adds to (or detracts from) the film genre, and how it helps to tell the story. Analyze at least three sequences in which the soundtrack has a particularly interesting or characteristic function. Use at least ten of the concepts and terminology listed in our lists and underline them on your text as you incorporate them correctly in your discussion. Include a Works Cited section in which you mention our required texts: Kalinak (2010); Buhler, Neumeyer, and Demeer (2010); Chion (1994), and at least two other academic sources. Please include a section titled "Links to analyzed sequences" with links to the analyzed sequences. Use The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed throughout. Midterm Essay Content The Essay will focus on aural, visual and thematic analysis in the context of music and film. The essay will demonstrate an understanding of the broader symbols, metaphors, character development and musical framing of specific scenes. Proper grammar, spelling, and paragraph formation should be given careful attention. Be sure to pay attention to details such as commas, italics and periods, as marks will be deducted for improper formatting. Those unsure of proper essay writing and grammar are strongly encouraged to work through any resource dedicated to these subjects or to visit the Academic Writing Center throughout the term to facilitate your own success in this course and others in your academic career. This time investment would be very well spent. The essay must be submitted using Microsoft Word or Google Doc, and consist of 1000 to 1200 words, double-spaced, and typed using 12-point, Times New Roman font. A detailed essay outline will be discussed in class and posted on D2L under Content - please read this carefully. Use The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed throughout. GRADING CRITERIA Form (10 marks) DESCRIPTION There is a clear structure (introduction, body, conclusion; or other coherent structure) (3 marks) A) The extension is within the limits provided (1000 -1200 words) (2 marks) B) The essay is edited, double spaced, and well-presented (page format, typos, grammar, etc.). (3 marks) C) It includes the following information (2 marks): Include a Works Cited/Bibliogaphy section in which you mention our required texts: Kalinak (2010); Buhler, Neumeyer, and Demeer (2010); Chion (1994), and at least two other academic sources. D). Links to analyzed sequences Please note that you will be required to submit your written assignments to Students who do not want their work submitted to this plagiarism detection service must, by the end of the second week of class, consult with the instructor to make alternate arrangements. Content (25 marks) Coherence of the essay (The essay delivers what was stated in the title and in the introduction and it stays on track - 5 marks) Relevance to the course (Is the topic clearly and effectively related to the course? Does it incorporate at least ten of the concepts and terminology listed in our slides? - 5 marks) Clear and effective communication / description, analyzing and critiquing at least three relevant sequences and including key concepts and terminology (10 marks) Research, analysis, synthesis. (The essay incorporates successfully in the discussion our required readings from the course and at least two other relevant academic sources) (5 marks)