Complete Java class Specifically, flesh out the following methods:
InNout.pop: Remove and return an item from the beginning of the underlying
array. If there are no items to remove, return null. Remaining items are shifted
to the front of the array, and emptying places at the back of the array are filled
with nulls. The method returns the string at beginning of array or null if the array
is empty.
InNout.peek: Take a look at the value of the item in the front of the array,
without removing it. If they array is empty, return null. The method returns the
string at beginning of array or null if the array is empty.
InNout.append: Add a string after the last (most recently added) item in the
array. The method returns true if addition was successful, false otherwise.
Please do not change the test code in Java class Also, please do not change the headers
of the methods in class If your code works as expected, Main.main will show successful
completion of four tests.
Fig: 1