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Instructions Need this work in 4 pages Personal coop experience: personal equity investment in Beijing combine personal experience and published academic and business press materials you can use 12pt Times New Roman, 1,5-2 spacing, and reference use MLA or APA/nTopic: Advantages and disadvantages of flat organizational structure Research Question: What are the key advantages of implementing a flat organizational structure in comparison to traditional hierarchical structures, and how do these advantages impact employee satisfaction and organizational performance? You will be preparing a critical analysis paper by combining your own papers, and an overview of published academic and business press materials which help answer three fundamental questions: 1. What are the commonalities/differences in your experiences? (essentially, you are using your own papers as additional data points) 2. What is the current state of knowledge about these issues and problems? Contents of final paper: Contents of this paper is fairly standard for a critical literature review paper. You will start with your introduction, where you set the scene for your research question, peek readers' interest and share your thesis. The body (bulk) of the paper will be your synthesis of your references. Depending on the topic you chose, you will have 3-4 subheadings. Conclusion would distill your learnings and answer the research question you set out to answer. There are some websites shared in the Canvas modules for further details of a critical lit review. Other details: As a format, you can use 12pt Times New Roman, 1,5-2 spacing, and Normal margin settings (1" all around). Expected length of the paper would be about 4 pages, though this is not a set-criteria.

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