instructions need two pages with a cited page apa style the book to ci
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Need two pages with a cited page APA style. the book to cite is this book:"
Maternal-Child Nursing sicth Edition, AUTHORS: Mckinney Murray Mau, James
Nelson Ashwill Carroll.
Need to answer in 2 pages double space APA Style
for the question 2, if the law is not in the powerpoint, just use a reliable resource no
more than 5 years./n 4/13/24, 6:36 PM
Case Study - Family Dynamics
Case Study - Family Dynamics
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• Due Tuesday by 12:30pm
• Points 10
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• Allowed Attempts 1
• Available Apr 9 at 8am - Apr 16 at 12:30pm
Read the following case study on the Concept of Family Dynamics below. In a Word document,
answer the two questions found in the corresponding rubric. Upload that document to this
assignment here on Canvas.
Erin is a 22-year-old single parent with two children (Stacie, age 5 ears, and Monica, age 2 years)> Erin
dropped out of high school to marry Andrew when she was 17 years old and pregnant. She recently
divorced Andrew because of his drinking, affairs, and lack of support of her and the children.
Andrew has a part-time job delivering newspapers and spends most of his free time with friends. He only
sporadically provides monetary support. Erin and the girls live in a small apartment. Because she only
ha a minimum wage job, Erin relies on food stamps and other types of assistance. Babysitters and rent
are major expenses, and Erin continually worries about being able to pay her bills. She would like to
earn her GED to get a better job, but she lacks the time and resources to make that happen. Andrew
sees the girls only occasionally - usually when Erin asks him to keep the girls so she can work extra
shifts. He dislikes spending his time babysitting the girls and openly verbalizes his frustration with the
"whiny girls."
Erin has a strained relationship with her parents. They were angry when she became pregnant, they
were against her dropping out of high school to get married, and they consider Andrew a "deadbeat."
They do not help Erin financially, citing concerns for their own retirement. Although they live in the same
community, they don't babysit the girls very often and have been critical of Erin's parenting style. Erin
has always believed that her parents liked her older brother, Dominic, better. He is married and has three
children who send a great deal of time with Erin's and Dominic's parents. Dominic rarely interacts with
Erin because they "don't have anything in common."
Recently, after the girls spent time with their father, Erin noticed bruises on the arms and buttocks of
Monica. When she asked the girls what happened, Stacie said, "Daddy got mad when Monica wet her
pants and spanked her." A week later, while at a free health clinic getting Stacie immunized for school,
Erin shared with the nurse practitioner details of her life and situation: lack of money and support,
working too many hours, fear of losing her apartment, and now - Andrew hurting Monica. She said she
does not know what to do and began crying.
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Case Study - Family Dynamics
Case Study - Family Dynamics Rubric
Question 1 - If the nurse practitioner had assessed Erin's family using the Calgary Family
Assessment Model (CFAM), how would you analyze this case?
Identify and describe the three (3) major categories of family assessment within this model.
Relate each of these categories to the family in this case study. What overall conclusions can be
made about the family using the Calgary Family Assessment Model.
5 pts
Please cite references used.
Question 2
Describe the law of mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse in the state of Maryland.
Identify if nurses and what other professions are mandated reporters. Describe what suspected
child abuse is. Give your personal opinion about how would feel reporting this case.
This you will need to research online. Please cite your references.
5 pts
Total Points: 10