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Lab Assessment 1 - Instructions

You have been provided with an Aim, Results graph, Discussion and Conclusion sections of a Lab

report. In Section 1 (Comprehension Questions), you must answer questions based on the

information provided. You must then complete Sections 2 to 5 to complete the rest of the Lab report,

as you have been taught to do in Skills for Sciences classes. Finally, in Section 6, you are to observe an

extension experiment and answer questions related to the introduction, method and safety sections

of the investigation.

The questions and instructions for each of the tasks can be found in Appendix A. Please ensure you

create your lab assessment in a separate document. Do not write it directly on the instructions


SECTION 1 - Comprehension Questions

Read the information provided in the Discussion and Conclusion sections to answer the questions.

Use your own words to answer or paraphrase the information.

SECTION 2 - Introduction:

Using the aim and the results, you must create an Introduction section.

The Introduction should include:

• The main scientific background related to the aim of the investigation. This should include

any equations or scientific laws that will need to be used.

A brief history of the theory, scientist or law that is related to topic of the investigation.

Suitable resources to demonstrate the research you have completed which should be

reference them correctly in the Reference section (Section 5).

• Hypothesis: State the expected result or prediction of the experiment. This may be a

theoretical value or a theory./nLab Assessment 1 - Instructions

You have been provided with an Aim, Results graph, Discussion and Conclusion sections of a Lab

report. In Section 1 (Comprehension Questions), you must answer questions based on the

information provided. You must then complete Sections 2 to 5 to complete the rest of the Lab report,

as you have been taught to do in Skills for Sciences classes. Finally, in Section 6, you are to observe an

extension experiment and answer questions related to the introduction, method and safety sections

of the investigation.

The questions and instructions for each of the tasks can be found in Appendix A. Please ensure you

create your lab assessment in a separate document. Do not write it directly on the instructions


SECTION 1 - Comprehension Questions

Read the information provided in the Discussion and Conclusion sections to answer the questions.

Use your own words to answer or paraphrase the information.

SECTION 2 - Introduction:

Using the aim and the results, you must create an Introduction section.

The Introduction should include:

• The main scientific background related to the aim of the investigation. This should include

any equations or scientific laws that will need to be used.

A brief history of the theory, scientist or law that is related to topic of the investigation.

Suitable resources to demonstrate the research you have completed which should be

reference them correctly in the Reference section (Section 5).

• Hypothesis: State the expected result or prediction of the experiment. This may be a

theoretical value or a theory./nSECTION 5: Reference:

Your reference section to show all the resources used to construct the Introduction section. You may

use Harvard referencing or any other suitable scientific referencing format.

SECTION 6 - Observe and Plan:

You have been provided with a link to an investigation to read or to watch a video of an experiment.

Using the information provided, answer the questions to plan the first sections of a lab report. This

includes, explaining the context of the introduction of the lab, creating a method or safety section.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3