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lay What Is Post-writing? A look at process As the final stage in the writing process, post-writing encompasses three distinct but related tasks: revising, editing, and proofreading. Overall, however, we are revisiting our draft material in order to improve it; the goal is to ensure that it effectively addresses the intended audience and purpose. Post-writing: A Definition The three post-writing tasks are defined and differentiated in The Canadian Writer's Workplace in the following ways: Revising - "Revising is rereading your first draft very carefully and making major improvements. You may replace an entire paragraph with a new one, for example. You might cut the length of a large anecdote in half and add a different smaller one" (Lipschutz, Scarry, & Scarry, 2017, p. 249). Editing - "Editing... usually means making smaller, but still important, changes... [it] refers to improving the organization of the composition and the style of writing" (Lipschutz, Scarry, & Scarry, 2017, p. 249). Q Search W zoom 28 ENG e Maps CHome | Editing - "Editing ... usually means making smaller, but still important, changes... [it] refers to improving the organization of the composition and the style of writing" (Lipschutz, Scarry, & Scarry, 2017, p. 249). Proofreading - "After the revising and editing are finished, proofreading begins. Proofreading refers, mostly, to correcting mistakes at a more "micro" level; for example ... grammar or spelling errors. Minor factual errors in content may also be caught at this stage" (Lipschutz, Scarry, & Scarry, 2017, p. 249). Post-writing: The Tools As part of this project, you are required to submit a record of the changes that you make to your essay. While there are a number of ways to keep a record of changes to a document, the tool you will use is Word's "Track Changes." This feature allows you to both track and subsequently review all changes before deciding whether to integrate or omit them. As a reminder of the process for using "Track Changes" and submitting both a draft and final version of your essay, please review this page of the unit: Before You Begin Unit 5 in delay 101 W Tiltyrale vi vi chi. As a reminder of the process for using "Track Changes" and submitting both a draft and final version of your essay, please review this page of the unit: Before You Begin Unit 5 Before Post-writing, Revisit the Purpose Review Assignment Requirements and Rubric Before moving forward with post-writing steps, it's important to have another look at the requirements and become familiar with the rubric. Both of these documents play a role in defining the essay's purpose. Before moving on, go back to look at the Assessment Details in the Course Information module. ▬▬ Q Search 28 ENG US 9:06 2024-0 Track Changes and Submitting the Final Essay In this unit, you will improve your essay draft from Unit 3, showing all edits, revisions and proofreading changes as you work on finalizing the essay. Two files Before You Begin An Important Note You will submit two files in this unit: 1. A "Track Changes" or draft version of your essay in Word (see below for detailed instructions) 2. A final version of your essay in Word (see below for detailed instructions) Step-by-step procedure Q Search zoom 28 ENG US D 9:07 AM 2024-02-08 udy step-by-step procedure 1. Copy the draft of your essay, exactly as is, into a new, blank Word doc named "Draft Essay" Turn on "Track Changes." E Track changes and show markup in Microsoft Word Track changes and show markup Q Search Donal Seond 25.0 UA M MARKETING SEGMENT GOALS ww O Watch Later Share Comments SU 28 ENG US