
MCQ questions

What phrase do the pigs add to the Sixth Commandment after the


In addition to the anniversaries of the Rebellion and the Battle of the

Cowshed, on what other occasion will the animals now fire the gun?

What is one of the new titles the pigs invented for Napoleon? *

What is Pinkeye's job?

Who did the animals prefer, Pilkington or Frederick?

In this chapter, the animals change their slogan of "Death to Humanity" to a new slogan. What is it?

Squealer is able to convince the animals that Snowball was never decorated as "Animal Hero, First Class."

Upon the completion of the new windmill, Napoleon announces that it will be named:

To whom does Napoleon finally sell the pile of timber?

What do the animals discover regarding the bank notes used to purchase the timber?

Who attacks Animal Farm in this chapter?

What do the attackers do to the windmill?

After driving off their enemies, what do the animals call the battle?

Who does Napoleon decorate with the "Order of the Green Banner" honor after the successful battle?

The morning after the pigs come upon a case of whiskey, what does Squealer announce to the animals?

Napoleon pronounces a solemn decree: the drinking of alcohol was to be punished by ________________

At the end of the chapter, Napoleon announces that the grazing-ground set aside for retired animals will now be used to grow __________________

What phrase does Squealer add to the Fifth Commandment?