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N/mm²= Mpa A 4742 14 Material pg/m³) Control Mik 14 28 (Days) 2X 9 Cabes Sand Col4mm) 3990 9.59 33.73 9 Cyli 9 Pi Gel (4/6) 878 846 29,91 Cement CEM] 52.58 380 Water 152 3.66 12,9530% 0145L +0.45 1-4605L = 165 L+10% =236L GCA 518+10%=2,6L =6₁73...+10% ± 7.48.88/n SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Year 1 Laboratories CM + CT (over 2 successive weeks) Concrete Making + Concrete Testing MATS105: Introduction to Engineering Materials Lecturer Prof. Maulik Patel Demonstrator Names Joao Medeiros and Armin Majidian Demonstrator Email and Health and Safety ЗЗИ БИЗ ПО ЦООНОГ Lab coats must be worn at all times during the experiment and instructions by lab demonstrators should be followed exactly and information regarding the labs fire instructions made known. If the lab requires steel capped boots then they must be worn or admittance into the lab cannot be guaranteed. You are reminded that you are required by law to comply with the School's basic rules of lab safety, as outlined at the start of the first year. (2xlesw svizze ΜΟ Aims of the Lab (over 2 successive weeks) Mo 1st Week-CM (Concrete Making) 1. To understand mix design for preparing materials and quantities required for making concrete. 2. To carry out a number of practical steps-(weighing, measuring and mixing materials; preparing moulds for samples; checking concrete workability; casting the concrete into moulds; vibrating the moulds to remove air pockets)- and to record group inputs of all tasks and procedures. 3. To leave the concrete mould samples to air-cure for 24 hours minimum. (Laboratory technicians will place the moulds into water tanks for curing on behalf of groups). 4. To return to the same laboratory 7 days later to complete the experimental procedure involving: (a) removing group samples from the water tank; (b) demoulding each sample using pressurised air; (c) cleaning and drying the samples; (d) testing each sample to industry standards- the 3 cubes tested in the compressive machine; and the mini-beam tested in the flexural machine. 5. To record all values obtained from testing, as well as to complete the questions at the end. 2nd Week-CT (Concrete Testing) The concrete samples will be tested at 7 days. You will test: 3 cubes + 1 mini-beam The aim of this lab is to: Remove the concrete samples to be tested from the curing tank • Transfer the samples to the Structures Lab • Test the samples . Tidy the area for the next group ML You will also have a theoretical mix design to complete as a group whilst you wait for your turn to test. 2 1st Week - CM (Concrete Making) 1 Mix Design Mix design is carried out in accordance with "Design of Normal Concrete Mixes" (BRE, 1997) The criteria of the mix are as follows: • • Volume is 0.008 m³ (3 cubes @ 100x100x100, 1 mini beam) Characteristic compressive strength, 40 N/(mm^2) at 28 days with a 2.5% defective rate (k = 1.96) Portland cement class 42.5 (Note we are actually using CEM II/A-L 32.5R) Bius Circle Mastercreta Cement 0049 612 6222 MORTAR Es = CE CONCITY WILLS TARMAC Figure 1: Actual Cement Class used in the lab • Slump required, 30-60 mm . Maximum aggregate size, 20 mm . Coarse aggregate, uncrushed (10mm, 20mm) . Fine aggregate, uncrushed (70% pass 600 microns) . Maximum free-water/cement ratio, 0.55 . Minimum cement content, 290 kg/m³ Stage Item Reference Values or 1 1.1 Characteristic strength calculation Specified 1.2 Standard deviation Fig 3 3 40 N/mm² 28 days on defectiv 2.5 % Propc r no data 8 /mm 2 N/m o 1.3 333 Margin C1 or (k=1.96) 1.96 x8 = (gails Specified on M 16 N/mm² 30N/mm² 1.4 Target mean strength C2 40+16=56 N/mm² 1.5 Cement strength class Specified 42.5/52.5 (Actually using CEM II/A-L 32.5R) 1.6 Aggregate type: coarse Aggregate type fine: Crushed/uncrushed Grushed/uncrushed 1.7 47 Free-water/cement ratio Table 2, Fig 4 0.41 }Use Use the lower value 0.41 1.8 Maximum free-water/cement ratio Specified 0.55 22.1 Slump or Vebe time Specified Slump 30 -60 mm or Vebe time S 2.2 Maximum aggregate size 2.3 Specified Table 3 20 mm 180 kg/m³ Free-water content 3 3.1 Cement content C3 180+0.41-440 kg/m³ 3.2 Maximum cement content Specified kg/m³ 3.3 Minimum cement content Specified 290 kg/m³ use 3.1 if s 3.2 use 3.3 if >3.1 440 kg/m³ 3.4 Modified free-water/cement ratio 4 4.1 Relative density of aggregate (SSD) 2.6 known/assumed 4.2 Concrete density 4.3 Fig 5 C4 Total aggregate content 2385 kg/m³ 40 8=> 765 kg/m³ 23 54 1 01 5 5.1 Grading of fine aggregate Percentage passing 600 μm sieve 70% 5.2 Proportion of fine aggregate Fig 6 27% 5.3 Fine aggregate content 5.4 } CS { 1765x0.27=475 kg/m³ 1765-475-1290 kg/m³ Coarse aggregate content Cement Water Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate (kg) Quantities (kg) (kg or litres) (kg) 10 mm 20 mm 40 mm per m³ (to nearest 5 kg) 440 180 475 130 860 per trial mix of 0.03 m² 26 14 13 Table 1: Concrete mix design form 2 Method of Mixing 2.1 Weigh Mix Components Each group should take 3 buckets: • 2 for 20mm aggregate (this is to keep the weight below 20kg) 1 for 10mm aggregate • 1 for fine aggregate ("sand" is equivalent to "fine" aggregate) □ 1 for cement 1 for water Cement 20mm agg. 10mm agg Fine/sand Figure 2: Aggregate and Cement Containers Take aggregate and cement from the barrels using the scoops provided and according to the quantities of your "corrected mix design" (Section Error! Reference source not found.) Note-do not fill a bucket with more than 20kg-this is important for 20mm aggregate. 5

Fig: 1